Monday, September 5, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 第八个星期咯!


Week 8:Slightly more human, slightly less tail

今天我们的 BB 小Qoo进入八个星期咯!不知不觉中也怀了这个小可爱2个月了~时间过得好快哦!虽然有些不舒服,但是也庆幸这两个月过得还算不错吧~比那些每天抱着马桶呕吐的人好命多了~


最近发现,以前每次刷牙的时候,刷到舌苔时可能会有一些作呕的感觉。可是最近刷牙的时候,一刷到舌苔就会更加想作呕,但是我总觉得这是被我刷到的啊~只不过比以前夸张很多~但是说也奇怪,每次我觉得胸口闷闷的,不舒服的时候~只要刷牙的时候有点作呕后,我反而就会觉得舒服很多~就没有那么闷了。这个症状比之前几个星期来得更加的明显,胸口也更闷了点。可是庆幸的是没有像我妹妹那么可怜会真的把东西都呕出来。我妹说不知道是不是因为我们吃的药的关系~因为医生给我的 folic acid 里有止吐的成分在,所以不知道是不是这个原因呢?哈哈哈。。

今天早上收到 email,提醒我的宝宝今天已经第8个星期了~哈哈。。还跟我说我的宝宝手指和脚趾开始长出来了哦!这个星期,小Qoo 的身体大小应该差不多要16mm,体重差不多是1克。这个星期开始,我要更加补充睡眠,因为体力会消耗得更多~然后BB小Qoo 的尾巴已经几乎短到看不见了哦!

Woohoo! You've got one whole inch of baby inside of you!
Your little embryo has finally reached the one-inch mark (30mm)!
What's more, your baby is finally starting to take on some very distinct human features. For starters, their little tail (really just the spinal cord) has disappeared completely.
It's nice to know your baby can no longer be mistaken for a sea creature! Additionally, both their toes and fingers are prominent with very little, if any, webbing. Upper and lower limbs all show recognizable joints (elbows and knees) and the lower limb bones are starting to ossify.
Still, don't expect your baby to resemble either parent quite yet - that is unless you look like a bobble-headed alien.
Right now, your tiny baby's head is disproportionately larger than the rest of their body and makes up almost half of their height and weight!

And how's mom doing?
Your slightly-larger-than-a-cherry embryo may finally start having a visible impact on your body this week — and not just hormonally, as you may be noticing a tiny bulge at your midline - which is (sorry!) just water retention.This is not the time to eat for two... this is the the time to eat smart and start incorporating daily physical activity into your life - walking is something even the most athletically challenged can handle!
Trust us, most people won't even notice the subtle change to your belly's shape. Though you probably think the bulge is baby, it's not - just water retention and probably too much of whatever you've been noshing on to deal with your increased appetite.
Which reminds us... have you been taking your daily prenatal? And how's your diet clean-up going - have you kicked the fast/junk food addiction yet?
Remember: The better your health now (in terms of staying active and eating right), the easier your pregnancy will be in the upcoming trimesters when it gets really interesting and challenging to move around.
Staying fit - or rededicating yourself to finally getting healthy, pays off in pregnancy. This is not the time to eat for two... this is the the time to eat smart and start incorporating daily physical activity into your life - walking is something even the most athletically challenged can handle!
Good news for those who're feeling hormonally tortured: if you've been extra moody lately, that may start to subside this week, as the placenta is beginning to take over your baby's hormone production. This means your body will soon be able to relax a bit from its over-production of hormones as the placenta starts to regulate your baby's hormones - allowing your body to focus on producing more normal levels of hormones and hopefully leave you in a place emotionally where you can enjoy your pregnancy.
Still, if you're having a tough emotional haul of it in the next few weeks, it may have more to do with your life and personal choices than hormonal issues. Just in case you haven't heard: pregnancy isn't an excuse to be a bitch, but it is a testing ground for 

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