Monday, September 26, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 第11个星期咯!


Week 11:Just plum cute!

今天我们的小Qoo 11个星期啦!!可是星期六被我折磨,加上这个星期也没有什么好好的吃有营养的东西,我的体重下跌了一点,比上个星期还轻了~唉!本来每次重 500g 左右,心里就觉得好可怕~越来越肥的感觉!可是这一次体重下跌,心里反而更担心了!到底小Qoo 有没有怎么样呢?有没有好好的啊?唉~~~对不起啊~~


说起蜜瓜维他奶,就会觉得心很甜~~在14年前吧!在我和老公还没正式拍拖以前,我就很爱很爱这个蜜瓜维他奶,当时在新山是很难找到的。我们拍拖之后,老公知道我很爱喝,无意间让他知道有个地方有在卖(好像是油站吧!哈哈),他就很常会走到距离他家走路其实还蛮远的地方买这个维他奶然后带来学校给我~ 我每次看到这个维他奶都好开心,觉得好甜~~



所以,小Qoo~mummy 那么喜欢蜜瓜维他奶,你以后会不会也一样啊?哈哈哈。。那到时候不是有人跟我抢了吗?哈哈哈。。

下个星期你就3个月了~觉得好特别哦!原来你已经陪了我们快3个月了~~ 非常期待下一次产检做 OSCAR 和你见面哦!你要加油的长大~ 我也会尽量乖乖的吃得更加营养的~~哈哈。。尽量啦!哦~~~

Your wee baby is now comparable in size to a plum!
Go ahead... we'll wait while you run to the kitchen and hold one in your hand to marvel at the life form unfolding inside of you.
Your baby's favorite game right now is exploring their face and especially their mouth.
Not only does this game improve your child's newly acquired voluntary muscle coordination of their limbs, but it also starts hard-wiring their hand nerves for newly gained sensations as they're now able to experience in their hands, because their palms can now "feel"!
Extensive facial exploration also primes their facial nerves by setting the stage for a lifetime of subtle sensations from kissing to spitting!
Final interesting fetal developments for the week: their newly acquired swallow reflex, and the beginnings of a sense of smell, which when combined with their maturing taste buds, will provide your baby with their first experiences of taste and smell in the womb.
Yeah, we're also curious what wombs smell like. We'd like to think warm and homey, which just might be the smell of freshly baked cookies.

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