Thursday, March 29, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - 第37个星期 + 产检


今天是小Qoo Jillyna 第37个星期啦!也就是所谓的 Full Term Baby 啦!可以毕业随时蹦出来啦!可是hor~~Sweetheart!你可不可以乖乖的呆在里面到12号以后呢?哈哈哈。。。Please 啦!哈哈哈。。

而且老实说,越靠近你要出来的日子,我就开始越不舍得你~我会很怀念很想念你在肚子里的感觉,胎动的感觉,还有你 daddy 常常说不公平,因为只有我无时无刻可以感觉得到你动~哈哈哈。。。所以自从我怀孕开始,他就很常把你整个抱着,然后他的脸贴着你,就这样睡着了,有时候他对着你打鼾,你还会朝他的脸踢过去。哈哈哈。。有一次daddy 还没睡着的时候,你突然很大力的踢了daddy 一下,daddy 吓了一跳,然后问:小Qoo Jillyna,你OK 吗?哈哈哈。。。其实daddy 不知道,有时候mummy 跟你一个人在家的时候,你就常常这样飞毛腿我的肚子。每天daddy 睡觉前,出门前都会跟你说话,跟你说我们有多爱你~daddy 还每次交代你要乖乖跟mummy 在家,不要欺负mummy~~ 这一切的一切,很快的就会随着你出生结束了,mummy 真的有点舍不得你有时候把我肚子踢到凸一块起来的样子,哈哈哈。。daddy 每次都很顽皮的敲敲你,你有时候也会给他反应~ 你真是太可爱了!哈哈哈。。

最近开始觉得肚子越来越重,脚开始水肿,有时候早上都觉得自己的鼻子肿肿的,好像海龙王~ 哈哈哈哈。。。。

最近开始控制饮食,希望 Jillyna 体重不会太大~也听说最后都不是在补baby 了,而是肥在自己身上而已,所以稍微要控制一下了。但是有东西是很难控制的!哈哈哈。。那就是 Prima Deli 的 Waffle 还有 Earl Grey Bubble Milk Tea。

自从有一次产检,突然看到人家吃 waffle 开始,我就突然爱上了 Waffle,而且还是花生牛油口味的。哈哈哈。。。好奇怪哦!以前都没有那么喜欢吃 Waffle 的,就在那一天突然第一次跟老公说我想吃 Waffle,怀孕的整个过程里我都很少要求自己想吃什么。所以老公听了后就拼命的到处找,虽然没找到,但之后 Junction Ten 这里开了 Prima Deli 后,我就常常都可以吃到我爱的 Waffle 了,每次去一定都想买个来吃,哈哈。。然后再配上一杯奶茶,真是绝配!


今天也是我们跟 Dr Adrian Tan 预约看Jillyna 的时间~ 因为之前老是忘了问一些问题就 happily 的回家了,所以今天我把问题list 出来在我的小notebook,一进去看到医生就跟他说我今天有很多问题要问他,哈哈哈。。老公也跟他说,不然下个星期他不在的时候,我们不知道要问谁了。

1.)我跟他说了我 heart burn 的问题,他说是因为baby 在里面很挤了,所以压迫到我的胃,所以有时候 gastric 的 acid 会往上冲,没什么的,不舒服的话他可以给我一些抑制胃酸的药。


3.) 然后问他我们生产的时候能不能够拍照和 video~ 他说 why not??哈哈哈。。很多爸爸进来都是这里拍拍那里拍拍,有时候护士也是还会知道他们拍时钟啦等等的,没问题!然后我问他如果 set 个 tripod 呢?他就说那就要看那个房间,因为有些房间很小,如果很小的房间就要找个比较不会挡到护士做工的位置比较好~还有就是不要一直对着护士拍,因为有些护士会觉得有点不自在~ 大致上不会有问题的!

4.) 下个星期他不在的时候是哪位医生看我呢?他说他们还有 Dr Wong 和 Dr Khi,他们会看我~然后问我有没有什么要求?我说没有,哪个医生都可以,反正就一个星期而已。他说那他就找个 schedule 没那么满的医生给我。哈哈哈。。。然后我就知道一定会是 Dr Khi 了,因为Dr Wong 那么忙~~哈哈哈。。柜台的护士也说 Dr Wong 的 schedule 更惨,等3-4小时~ 想想还是算了,哈哈。。才一个星期,没必要弄到那么累。反正这里的医生感觉都很不错,所以没担心。

5.)本来还有个问题要问医生,但最后没问到~因为before 问问题时,他已经跟我说今天会跟我做 GBS swap 了,哈哈哈。。。所以也不需要问了!

6.) 然后因为看到伟强和我二哥都没有剪到脐带,所以我很怕老公也不能为他的宝贝剪脐带~哈哈。。所以就问了医生。医生说没问题的,大多数都是爸爸剪的,除非爸爸怕!然后哈哈大笑说我看你老公 OK 啦!然后转头问老公,你应该不会怕吧~哈哈。。老公当然马上回答不会~哈哈哈。。然后我说因为我们有 donate cord blood,所以也可以剪吗?他说没问题的,剪了我们在收那个血。

7.)然后我跟他说我昨天突然下腹有点痛,而且感觉有东西往下推~他说那是因为宝宝在 engage 了,不用担心~正常的。然后说,往下就好啊!表示可以生啦!然后就哈哈大笑~~哈哈。。。我跟老公是三条线啊!哈哈。。。然后说:啊!不要那么快啦!哈哈哈。。但那表示Jillyna 已经开始在为自己准备了,真乖~~哈哈。。看来,daddy 和 mummy 也要开始准备了,怎么能够输给你呢?哈哈。。

一连窜的问题,Dr Tan都很有耐性的慢慢为我们解答~ 解答完毕后,就看 Jillyna 啦~哈哈。。今天医生说他的头已经下去了,engage好了~然后小宝贝的体重是 2.89,医生说 2.9 kg 啦~然后说我们的宝宝出来大概会 3.5kg 左右吧~ 然后他说我们的 bb 不是说很 huge 的 4kg 那种 baby,但也不是那种很小的 2.6 kg 的baby,一直都是属于中上的,那表示他长得很好吸收很好,很健康。

然后安排了下个星期二下午见 Dr Khi~ 之后 13号再看 Dr Tan~ 希望今天不是最后一次见到 Dr Tan,哈哈哈。。。因为那就表示我还可以等到他回来帮我接生啊!呵呵~~ 本来护士要安排 16号才看 Dr Tan的,可是我的预产期是 18号也~~哈哈。。我说安排在 16号搞不好生了!哈哈。。。他才帮我们挤进 13号的 slot。

希望今天做的 GBS Swap 一切 ok 啦!

今天拍的照片好好笑~~在镜头上看到Jillyna 的脸是很 peaceful 很安静的脸,连医生也这么说。结果你看第二张照片,出来的时候怎么会看起来好像嘴角往下,不开心,做鬼脸的样子哩??

Monday, March 26, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - 脚开始水肿了啊!



其实都是因为昨晚啦!因为星期日我们去 Sam 和 Karen 的家吃火锅,回到家时间已经不早了~ Baby Plus 后也差不多1点多了,好不容易睡下去后,梦到自己很不舒服,Heart Burn~ 结果从梦中醒来,果然真的 Heart Burn 了,看一下时间才4点。

一睁开眼睛,不止 Heart Burn~肚子也觉得痛痛的,应该是尿太多吗?所以痛?上完厕所后,heart burn 的不舒服加上整个人的体温好高,让我翻来翻去睡不着~

就这样眼睛一直睁着,只好看看新闻,然后还看到一个觉得蛮 interesting 的 video,还 check 了 KDK 风扇的尺寸,然后通通都寄给老公看。就这样耗一耗时间,就到6点多,老公起床的时间~我也索性直接起来准备早餐给他。

老公吃了早餐出门后,我今天也没有胃口吃我的早餐,就直接上床躺着,听 Baby Plus 然后 Mozart effect 慢慢的到9点多左右,又睡着了。睡到11点多,被家里的电话铃声吵醒,之后走出去把电话拿进来,听到我妈妈的留言~他说我妹妹的奶水不够,在烦恼~然后我就到处帮我妹妹问问朋友他们是如何增加奶水的~

本来还ok的,到了午餐时间,整个人处于超级不舒服的状态~ 吃了午餐后,本来想要写写 blog,做做帐的,结果连坐着我都觉得好喘!跟老公说后,他叫我去躺在床上休息休息,只好乖乖听话进房间,躺在床上。

躺着真的舒服好多~然后慢慢的入睡应该不到20分钟吧!我妈妈又打来了,哈哈哈。。这一次是因为我妹妹的宝宝好像有点 Jaundice,所以我妹和伟强把他带去医院了,我妈妈担心,打来问我为什么会这样,说我妹都还没有开始吃姜~我就跟他解释,Jaundice 和吃姜木瓜什么的完全没有关系,然后跟他解释是因为宝宝的身体功能还没有全部正常操作,加上可能喝的奶不够,没有办法排除,才会导致有点黄的,叫他不要担心。然后我妈妈又担心我妹妹会产后忧郁症,因为她的奶水不够,baby 又黄然后伤口又痛,我叫他不要担心,我会打给妹妹开导她~

之后妈妈挂了电话后,我就马上打给我妹跟他了解情况,也安慰了她~ 之后时间也差不多6点多了,真的好累好累了~不管晚上会不会睡不着,我就是要睡觉!就这样很快的睡着了,一直到晚上 7.45 起床~ 然后打电话叫老公今晚买饭回来,因为我没办法煮了~ 起床后,冲了个凉,感觉人舒服好多好多哦!已经不喘了~也没有 heart burn 了~

不过今天发现我的脚有点水肿呢~尤其是右脚比左脚肿呢!是要生了的前兆吗?常常听人家说,要生之前会肿,然后一旦消肿了就是要生了 @_@

不会吧~~哈哈哈。。老公的反应跟我是一样的,哈哈哈。。希望小宝贝可以在肚子里带多一阵子哩!一方面是因为医生不在新加坡,老师也不在新加坡,就连他的爷爷奶奶姑姑大伯大伯母两个表姐全部 ham blang 都在槟城清明节 =_=|||   哈哈哈。。希望他不是个低调的宝宝,就是故意选在大家不在的日子出来吧!哈哈。。


今天左手也是怪怪的,好像脱臼一样,那个关节可以移来移去的,痛痛的~ 是因为我每次撑着自己的身体下床的关系吗?奇怪~哈哈。。

Friday, March 23, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - Evan Ang + 可爱的床单套


今天老公请了半天假,陪我坐二哥的车回去回去 JB 看美丽和他的大宝宝~ Evan

欢迎 Evan Ang,3.7kg,54cm。昨天听妈妈说他一直醒着,很活泼~哈哈。。可是为什么今天阿姨去看你哦~你就一直睡觉哩~~~哈哈哈。。看了都不忍心把你叫醒。

因为医院没有仔细的教美丽如何喂人奶,所以Jessie就当场传授他的心得给美丽,hmmm~~上课归上课哦!正式来的时候我不知道自己会不会 handle 得了~哈哈。。希望ok啦!

Sarah 还当场为 Evan 示范如何好好的吸母乳,只可惜 Evan 吃得很饱,只是一直在睡觉,哈哈。。

探望了美丽后,时间也不早了~我们就回我家吃晚餐,然后拿了其余妈妈帮我买的中药,还有两大支麻油~ 还拿了之前交给妈妈缝制的床单套和枕头套~哈哈哈。。。好可爱哦!!而且尺寸刚刚好 ^_^

之后就坐二哥的车回来新加坡了~因为隔天我还要教课的关系。因为快生产了,所以现在也不敢随便跟学生换时间,不然之后一大堆课累积在一起就头痛了~不然就可以直接呆在 JB了,也真的好久没有回去了,超过一个月了吧!哈哈。。

唉~~~ 现在我想要搭巴士回去,老公也不放心了~所以每次只好等顺风车才能回去,然后又匆匆的赶回来新加坡。

Thursday, March 22, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - 第36个星期


Week 36:Almost done, mommy!



最近呢~~变了!我一个人在家的时候不开风扇会要了我的命,早上睡觉开风扇流汗,晚上睡觉几乎不太盖被单了,反而是睡在我隔壁的那个骂我变态的人盖着被单,哈哈哈~~~ 世界变了样!

还有这一两天开始觉得有时候肚子会有种怪怪的感觉,应该就是他们说的经痛的感觉吧~ 但只是很轻微的,虽然轻微,但睡觉的时候突然来一个这种感觉还是会觉得很不爽。

小Qoo Jillyna 呢~~ 最近动得比较厉害,现在有时候连晚上睡觉的时候他也在动~ 哈哈。。有时候太大力我还会觉得有点痛呢!但是知道这就表示他在里面过得很好,很强壮~那我也认了!只好忍!哈哈哈。。。

希望你真的可以等到4月12号以后才出来哦!!! 我希望是 Dr Tan 帮我接生啊~~ 我希望是他把你带到这世上来啊~~ 小宝贝!合作点哦~~哈哈。。


The countdown to your sweet lil' womb hi-jacker's eviction is closing in!
In fetal developments: most of the bones (soft skull aside) in their little body are now completely hardened, providing a solid structure from which they can now make their grand debut into the world.
In physical fitness news: your mini-champ's muscle tone is improving, and you’ll be impressed by their steel-like Ulnar grasp (a newborn reflex that occurs if you lay your finger in their palm).
Your baby's nearly done baking!

And how's mom doing?
Hey mama, are you big, warm, pee-tastic, tired, and feeling just a bit anxious?
Welcome to week 36!
To assuage your worries here are a few clear indications of when you're going into real labor:
  • Runny loose stools/diarrhea
  • Loss of mucous plug aka "bloody show"
  • Contractions are consistent and grow in intensity
  • Your water breaks
You can have diarrhea without going into labor and your water probably won't break. If it does break, it'll feel like a sudden gush of unexpected pee just ran down your leg.
Ain't pregnancy just the classiest thing ever?

Monday, March 19, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 -产检+ 好听话的小Qoo Jillyna~不听话的mummy


今天是小Qoo Jillyna 产检的日子,因为现在是两个星期就 check 一次,所以感觉时间过得更快了!下一次开始的产检,就变成每个星期一次了,OMG~~ 四月就要来了!开始有点紧张了~~哈哈哈。。

今天去看医生,心情有点安慰也有点担心~哈哈。。安慰的是,老公每次念小Jill 的东西,她都办到了!哈哈哈。。老公每次都对着我的肚子叫她肥婆啦!叫他不要太大啦!叫他头和肚子不要太大啦!正常点啦!体重也要正常啦!不要太大让mummy很难生啦!等等等~~ 可能 Jillyna 觉得 daddy 太罗嗦了,哈哈哈。。所以这一次产检,真的乖乖听话的把体重控制得好好的,头也不大了!哈哈哈。。这是我们最开心的!头和肚子也都回到了正常的比例了~ 这是我们开心和欣慰的事情~

不再是大头娃娃,她daddy 也不会再笑她以后会很怕舞狮啦!(因为他说舞狮会一直追着她跑 =_=|||)

担心的事情呢~哈哈。。就是我们的医生叫我们的baby 要乖乖听话不要在 Easter 出来哦~~因为他将会出国差不多一个星期多,也就是 4月1号-4月11号~ 他说如果我们的baby 真的坏蛋要在他出国的时候出来哦~他叫我也不用担心,他会叫他的朋友好好照顾我,帮我接生的~~

可是!可是~~~~我想要 Dr Tan 帮我接生啊!!哈哈哈。。。所以呢~~~~ Jillyna 那可爱的老豆,回到家后就大大的称赞小Qoo Jillyna 是个乖宝宝~他知道他最听他的话啦~每次叫他做的事情她都怪怪的配合啦~~


Daddy:Jillyna,daddy 知道你最乖了~~现在哦!这是很重要的事情,有两个很重要的人要出国啊!一个是每次看你的那个笑得很大声的:哈哈哈!!!的 Dr Tan ~ 另一个就是我们上课的老师 Wong Boh Boi 啊~ 他要教daddy 怎么照顾你怎么抱你啊~~还有daddy mummy 想要 Dr Tan 把你接出来啊!所以你要乖乖的呆在里面,先不要出来啊!到4月中过后才可以出来哦!乖乖哦~~daddy 最疼你了!

哈哈哈~~希望小QooJillyna 这次也会乖乖听daddy 话哦~哈哈。。

医生说小Qoo Jillyna 的头已经转到下面去了,然后呢~体重是 2.65kg,医生说是正常的体重~ 他的头和肚子呢~这一次医生也没有再说他比较大一点了!哈哈。。开心!

这一次看到小Qoo Jillyna 已经不再像上次一样脸肿肿的,我们看到他的时候不知道他好像还挺 Cool的~哈哈。。老公看着 Ultrasound 的照片,一直说小Jill 好Cool哦!!而且这一次拍到他的眼睛好像开得大大的看着我们,还有点发光的感觉,哈哈。。



还有生气的事情!那就是我很生气我自己!哼!!!讨厌这样的自己~没有自信心,超级敏感,疑神疑鬼,小气无理取闹~ 可怜了老公也只能忍受,幸好我有个肚皮很大的老公~~哈哈哈。。。因为怕有犹豫倾向,所以答应他只要我有什么不开心的事情一定会马上告诉他,不会再憋着~所以我现在只要不开心,就会马上说出来~哈哈。。所以搞到我好像更小气了!不过就因为马上说出来,我也不会像之前一样闷闷不乐,常想哭了~现在说出来后,老公哄我一下抱我一下,我就完全没事了~哈哈哈。。 hmmm... 所以对不起啦老公~~ 辛苦你了!Love You~~ ^3^ 你是全世界最好最好的老公和daddy 啦!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - 酒缸开缸日+小Qoo衣服开洗日


今天我们终于把之前我妈酿的酒缸打开啦!哈哈哈~ 老公费了不少力才帮我把酒和酒渣分开,这次我们用有别于以往的方法,这次我们决定用一块布来过滤酒渣,感觉也蛮不错的。

好不容易过滤好后,然后我们也把酒通通拿去煮沸至20分钟左右,希望把酒精挥发掉,因为不想小Qoo 吸收那些酒精。放着到晚上凉后,然后就装进了杀菌过的瓶子里啦!而且是老公最喜欢的瓶子,宝宝生抽的瓶子!哈哈哈。。

因为一次过不能把所有的酒都沉淀好,所以就这样放在锅里到隔天,老公才把他们又装进了瓶子,所以纯净的酒一共装了9瓶半,然后有沉淀物的酒就另外装进了4支瓶子,还有2支参杂了酒渣和酒的是没有煮过的,是要给 Mopy 的,哈哈。。因为他不用坐月嘛~所以不用去掉酒精。所以全部酒加起来一共弄了15瓶半呢!这一次会比较多是因为老公把酒渣挤的干干的,哈哈。。因为酒渣每次都被我们丢掉,所以老公决定把它挤干,不然丢掉也是浪费~



今天我们也开始收拾小Qoo Jillyna 的房间,把她的衣服,毛巾等等的全部都搬出来,整理过后就全部拿去洗了~也把她的衣橱拿去洗干净了~ 超喜欢那个洗baby 衣服的 detergent 的!老公嗅了也很开心兴奋~衣服晾起来的时候,飘出来阵阵的香味让我觉得太幸福啦!可能这就是baby 的魅力吧~

洗干净晒干后折起来收在一个干净的盒子里了~ 这只是一小部分,哈哈~ 还有一堆毛巾等等的还在晾着呢~ 开始做最后的准备工作了。

Thursday, March 15, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - 第35个星期


Week 35:It's getting cramped in here!


最近小Qoo Jillyna 的房子应该是越来越窄了~哈哈哈。。。因为他只要稍微动一动,我的肚子就会大幅动,如果他大动一番的话,我的肚子就好像打战一样了~哈哈。。有时候感觉他磨到我的骨,还会觉得有点电电痒痒的感觉~而且最近上厕所的次数越来越频繁,感觉膀胱被挤得越来越小了,哈哈哈。。尤其是晚上睡觉的时候,不得不马上爬起来冲进厕所,可是偏偏又觉得自己好像翻过来的乌龟一样,哈哈。。不是说要起就能马上弹起来的,还要顾虑到会不会上到背后和腰,所以起身的姿势还要对,还要做一大堆在上课学到的姿势~哈哈。。

还有这几个星期一直被咳嗽伤风困扰着~~~ 吃了 Dr Tan 给的药虽然已经好了很多,可是还是会咳到我不能睡觉,甚至有点呼吸困难~我决定到楼下的诊所去看医生,因为再不看的话,我怎么可以在生孩子的时候做那些呼吸法呢?鼻孔都被堵着了~哈哈。。。


Congratulations! You’re now carrying over 5 pounds of baby-goodness - not counting their amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord, or the placenta itself.
Developmentally, your wee womb-tenant has the fat-factory running at full tilt while their digestive system puts the finishing touches on critical organs in preparation for their first meal (remember - before birth, all of their nutrition was blood via the umbilical cord).
With their first meal in mind, it's time to look forward to one of the most important things you'll do for your infant - namely, keeping them alive with nothing more than your breasts.
If you're still unsure whether you want to breastfeed, just check out our "Ten Reasons to Breastfeed" in Week 28.
And how's mom doing?
Okay superwoman, it's time to talk about labor and how you plan to cope.basically, your muscles are going to be like, "YO - THIS IS HARD!" when they're talking to your nerves, who'll be delivering these messages to your brain afterward, which you will then experience as pain
Get this into your head right now -- LABOR PAIN IS GOOD PAIN -- it's good for you and it's good for your baby.
Yes, contractions hurt, but unlike the pain of injury, it hurts because your muscles are being used in a way they've never been used before (or only rarely).
If you've been living under a rock: contractions are literally the slow process of squeezing your baby - via uterine muscular waves of motion, down your uterus into the birth canal.
So - basically, your muscles are going to be like, "YO - THIS IS HARD!" when they're talking to your nerves, who'll be delivering these messages to your brain afterward, which you will then experience as pain.
The important part of this process isyour mental and emotional acceptance of this pain as good, rather than something upsetting that must be avoided.
LABOR PAIN IS GOOD PAIN because your body is working really hard to do something that's incredibly important.
As Captain Obvious would say, "That's why they call it labor."
It might not feel good, but let's be realistic here: how many times will your uterus do this job? All Duggar jokes aside, it's obviously a unique situation for your body.
Labor gets a bad rap because of the pain of contractions, but if you look at the big picture - beyond the pain, you'd see that your labor is an act of epic earth-shattering proportions.
Come on! It's the act of giving life, after all!
Even if you are a pain-pansy, you need to come to terms with two things: 1) labor will hurt and that's okay and 2) the more you accept the pain as good, the less it will hurt.
Regardless of whether you get an epidural and in spite of their popularity, every one of us would do well to remember that pain is a normal and important part of life.
Your brain's pain system usually warns you when something is wrong or broken, but this time - if you listen to your body and take the time to understand the epic nature of what's happening inside of you, you might begin to understand that a change of such amazing proportions is taking place inside of you that your entire body (pain signaling system included) cries out in its efforts to bear life.
One last time, just so you remember: LABOR PAIN IS GOOD PAIN.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - 小Qoo 的英文名字


其实在很早以前,我们就一直在想小Qoo 的名字~ 英文的也好,华文的也好~都很伤脑筋。又要好听,又不要太普通,又怕太难写,又要想到会不会让人家联想到其他的什么东西等等等~~~

英文名字最近开始有了点头绪,其实就在上个星期四~3月8号的时候,因为我们到 Sam 的家去吃晚餐,弄 CCTV,所以回来的时间已经迟了~我们就没有再看步步惊心了~(哈哈哈。。。最近我和老公一直在追的连续剧)

所以躺在床上聊天的时候,我突然又提起名字的事情,老公也说他最近也常常在烦恼这个事情~ 所以索性我们又开始拿起书本,还有那些我 list 过的名字~~ 突然老公说他觉得 Jill 很好!

我看了 Jill 这个字,觉得叫起来是很顺,可是总觉得看起来不够美不够特别~~所以我们又考虑了其他的~老公觉得另一个也不错 Myna。

之后,老公看累了~我就把那本书拿过来看看,看看老公刚刚说他喜欢的 Jill 还有没有别的叫法。就这样看到了一个一样意思但看起来又比较特别的,Jyllina~ 就这样这件事情又搁着了,但是我们已经比较有了想法。

然后就在昨天晚上,老公突然对着我的叫:Jillyna~~~ 哈哈哈。。。我就问老公,真的决定了吗?哈哈。。。老公说:我觉得这个名字蛮 Cool的啊!哈哈哈。。我就说:我也觉得这个名字好听,好吧!就这样决定!哈哈。。

今天早上,跟老公沟通了后,才发现原来老公喜欢的 spelling 是 Jillyna,不是书上的 Jyllina~~ 哈哈哈。。他说他喜欢 Jill。Anyway,我都可以~因为只要叫起来是 Jill + Ly + Na 我都ok!老公喜欢 Jillyna ~ 我们的小Qoo 名字 spelling 就放 Jillyna 吧~~~

Jillyna Khoo ^3^  听起来好可爱的名字~~~ daddy mummy 好喜欢!希望小宝贝你也喜欢哦~~

到目前为止~~也还没完全肯定!哈哈哈。。因为 daddy 说在还没有找到更好的名字以前,都会叫这个名字~

还有,之前上网申请了一个Goo.n diaper 的 account,然后要求他们寄一个newborn 的 sample给我。之后我就完全忘记这件事了,直到昨天收到才想起,哈哈哈~ 听说这个牌子的尿片很不错,所以就试试看

这是我老公今天的处女作,哈哈哈~ 自制天然蓝莓果酱。今天用来涂面包,超赞的,蓝莓还会在嘴里爆开来!哈哈哈~

Monday, March 12, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - 小Qoo 外婆又买新衣 + 坐月的草药


今天我大哥载我爸妈过来新加坡,然后二哥在医院等着他们,因为我们预约了医生让爸爸去做身体检查~ 以确定爸爸是不是真的得了帕金森病。虽然 JB 的医生已经检验出来了,但我爸爸吃了一段时期的药后,又不相信那个医生的话,所以又没乖乖吃药~所以这次让他过来新加坡看医生,希望他可以乖乖的长期服药。虽然知道爸爸肯定是得了这个病,但知道新加坡医生也确认爸爸真的得了帕金森病的时候,心里还是觉得有点难过的。新加坡的医生说我爸之前的那个医生给的药是属于病情比较重的人服用的,而且药不应该晚上吃,因为这样睡眠会不好。听了这个还觉得安心点,因为至少我爸的病情及早发现,所以还属于轻微的。希望他会乖乖吃药吧~~

他们看完医生吃了午餐后,我爸妈就过来我家~本想一早去医院找他们的,但我妈说医院细菌多,叫我不要去~ 所以我就在家里等他们过来了。

我妈妈又买了很多衣服给小Qoo~~ 哈哈哈。。小Qoo 你看你真是太幸福了,外婆多疼你啊!我妈妈当然也疼我啦!买了一些健康的 Mr Bean 糕给我吃,然后还帮我买了一堆坐月用的草药和冲凉草。他说还有一些中药还没买呢~~哇!!原来坐月真的要买这么多药材的啊?哈哈哈。。


这是小Qoo 的乾外婆给的布~ 小Qoo 外婆亲手缝的肚兜兜哦!哈哈哈。。。外婆说给小Qoo 做个纪念~~ 我已经跟老公说了,哈哈哈。。等小Qoo 出来我就让他戴上这个拍张照!多又意义啊!要买都买不到呢!哈哈哈。。。

我也把那天在 Ikea 买的布让妈妈带回去了,也给了尺寸~因为我叫我妈帮我缝制两个床单和一个枕头套给小Qoo~ 哈哈哈。。。因为小Qoo mummy 没有缝纫机嘛~~~(其实也不怎么会缝纫啦!哈哈哈。。Shhh。。。)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - 老公的木瓜鱼汤 + 闹革命的洗衣机~


今天我们家的周末煮夫又煮了很多好料!午餐煮了好吃的炒面~ 晚餐煮了好吃的豆鼓炒鸡肉,炒乌龟豆和木瓜鱼汤~

老公说他一定要在我坐月前学会煮木瓜鱼汤,哈哈~我跟他说坐月子的时候有坐月婆啊~不用担心!但他说他也想可以在我坐月时煮一些好东西给我。 这就是他煮的木瓜鱼汤啦!还真的挺好喝的。

今天本来我的大计就是要洗小Qoo 的衣服的,结果。。。洗衣机有闹革命了!而且这次问题更严重了,已经不是用另外一个插头可以解决的事情了~ 唉~~洗衣机啊!洗衣机~~现在正是最需要你的时候,你怎么了啊!!买了你那么久,一直都对你超满意的说~~怎么现在一开就跳电了呢?到底哪里出问题啊?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - Ikea 购物日 + 小Qoo daddy 上财经追击啦!


今天我和老公打算去 Ikea 买一些东西,本来想自己搭 Shuttle Bus 去的,不过 sam 说要载我们去,推辞不了他的好意~所以就麻烦他们了。

我们今天去Ikea 买了小Qoo 的床垫,布,一些盒子,一包小手巾,两个可以用来拍照用的布篮子还有我的书橱要用到的书架子。

买了东西后,我们就和 Sam 他们一起去吃晚餐,然后就回家看我们录下来的财经追击~哈哈哈。。。看到老公又上电视了!感觉自从怀了小Qoo 后,我们真的跟电视好有缘哦!哈哈哈。。老公前前后后已经上了3次新加坡电视台还有一次香港动新闻了!哈哈。。。

Thursday, March 8, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - 第34个星期


Week 34:Mama, I'm movin' downtown!

今天是 38 妇女节~哈哈。。。也是小Qoo 34个星期大的日子,今天一早不知道为什么他那么兴奋,哈哈哈。。一直在我肚子里乱动~接下来的一整天也是如此,哈哈哈。。小Qoo今天你是怎么啦?那么兴奋啊?? daddy 还笑你 38小肥婆在mummy 肚子里庆祝38妇女节呢~哈哈哈。。



Your amazing baby is on the move!
Until now, your wee womb-squatter's been living fairly high up in your poor stretched-out womb - blithely compressing your poor lungs and internal organs.
This week your baby's going to pack their tiny bags and make the "big" move to your pelvis - commonly referred to as the time when your baby "drops".
If you haven’t noticed it already, you’ll be feeling the weight shift indicating your baby is most likely out of breech position (if they're being stubborn, check out 17 Ways To Turn a Breech Baby) with their head now resting on your pubic bone.
When baby drops this may also give you some horrific stabbing back pain as they press on your sciatic nerve.
If that's the case, get off your feet and try to do some spine-lengthening stretches to help your baby move OFF that poor throbbing nerve.
In developing internal-organ news: although not quite fully formed, your little poop-factory's liver is now capable of processing a certain amount of waste.
Because your baby's liver is not quite birth-ready, it's common for newborns to get a case of mild and harmless jaundice (signaled by a slight yellowing of the skin).
Jaundice is the result of your baby's body producing more bilirubin (a by-product of blood production) than the liver can currently breakdown, leading to a subtle yellow tinge that goes away in a few days.
Babies born earlier than their due date tend to have moderate to severe jaundice, which - in the hospital, will be treated via light therapy to help their body break the bilirubin down.
For home-birthers, jaundice is easily dealt with by increased breastfeeding (to help their body pass the bilirubin) and "naked time" for baby in a warm sunlit area for 10 minute intervals throughout the day until it disappears.

And how's mom doing?
Hey mama! Did you know your watermelon-betwixt-my-legs waddle is still as charming as ever?
If you've got back pain, get yourself another warm bath/shower/heating pad as needed and keep trying to stretch and twist to manipulate your pinch-tastic fetus off those poor sciatic nerves.
Just a reminder: keep on drinking those tall glasses of water (and peeing like a fiend), take cat naps whenever possible and prepare yourself mentally for the big day.
Labor Issues and Options
Your midwife or doula should be picked with an eye for their education, midwifery history, personality and personal beliefs - which should gel with your personality and personal beliefs to the degree you trust and like her.
In terms of non-birthing experts, only your partner or closest family and friends should be present during labor. Ideally, you should be around people you know and trust and no one else.
If you're not giving birth at home: once you're in Active labor (contractions every five minutes for an hour), head over to the hospital - that is, if you live within a half an hour drive of the hospital.
If you're in the middle of nowhere, then plan to go in once contractions come every five minutes for a 30 minute span.
Trust us, jumping the go-to-hospital gun before you enter the Active phase is a waste of gas and more disheartening than being ditched on a first date.
If you're planning on birthing in the hospital and get the epidural,try to wait till your contractions are constant - indicating you're nearing Transition.
Given any earlier, and the epidural may significantly slow your labor's progress, putting you at risk for an "emergency c-section" on the hospital's "24 hour labor" clock.
The epidural process: a six inch needle will be inserted into your spinal column as you're curled up in a fetal position to expose your spinal nerves to the technician.
Once the drug has been administered, the numbing effect (if it works, which it might not) -- will relieve your labor pain, but it will also as render you immobile and effectively chains you to your bed, forcing you to labor and birth on your back while psychologically numbing your mind to the process at hand, inhibiting your milk let-down and interfering with the postpartum endorphin release that combats postpartum pain and depression.
The take-home message: an epidural can provide much-needed pain relief during labor, but is not without serious risks including: long-term back pain (20% of women experience nerve damage), slowing labor and significantly increasing your risk of c-section. It also inhibits the entire postpartum release of endorphins, which may negatively impact your postpartum recovery.
Inserting/poking a thin tube into your urethra so you can pee from the comfort of your bed is an option which is there purely for the attending staff's convenience - unless you're unable to walk due to an epidural.
Long story short: just say no to catheters if you can walk.
Some hospitals will automatically hook a laboring woman up to an IV to keep her hydrated, which again -- chains you to the bed or IV equipment, restricting your mobility.
Unless you're unable to swallow water for some mysterious reason, there is absolutely no need to be hooked up to an IV while in labor. As long as your labor partner or birth doula are there giving you water/juice/fluids on a regular basis, your hydration needs will be completely met without inhibiting labor's progress.
C-section is major abdominal surgery in which seven layers of your stomach tissue, muscle, and fat are sliced through exposing your intestines and uterus.
If you do end up having a C-section, opt for an epidural rather than being fully knocked out via general anesthetic, as this'll allow you to breastfeed immediately after delivery.
To be perfectly fair, cesarean section can be a life-saver for both mother and baby in a small number of cases, but for most women and babies at the end of pregnancy, the risks of surgical birth far outweigh any benefit - as listed below.
With no additional risk factors, a baby born via C-section is three times more likely to die in the first year, which may be partially due to the fact that passage through the birth canal presses your child's lungs and respiratory tract clean in a way the doctor's suction device just can't.
C-section recovery takes longer and hurts more than normal birth recovery because you lose more blood during surgery and your anesthetic interferes with your natural postpartum release of hormones and endorphins which fuel the healing process.
Cool blood fact: birth vaginally and you'll lose the equivalent of nine period's worth of blood.
C-sections are also more likely to result in:
  • Difficulty breastfeeding and/or bonding
  • Postpartum depression
  • Postpartum infection
  • Newborn breathing problems
  • Asthma developing in childhood
  • Newborn cuts (hopefully minor!) from the surgery.
Elective c-sections are a disturbing new trend on the rise, which reflect a gross lack of understanding and respect for the delicate and intricate process of labor and birth.
Short of extreme medical conditions, C-sections should not be considered a viable option for a healthy pregnancy.
This device records and reports the baby's heartbeat via a beeping sound.
Exhaustive reviews of EFM have shown NO improved outcome for the baby (in terms of preventing death) while increasing psychological stress for the laboring mother and risk of an "emergency c-section" and episiotomy.
Rather than let the EFM create a false sense of fear, opt for infrequent monitoring via a Doppler device or simply unhook yourself from the EFM after listening to your baby's heart rate for a minute or so (if that's all they've got) and get back to laboring on your feet.
Bottom line: EFMs are unnecessarily stressful to the mother and provide no support for the baby's well-being.
An episiotomy occurs when your doctor slices you from your vagina down to your butt hole - in order "to make passage for the baby easier."
Not only do naturally occurring tears heal faster and hurt less than these incisions, but the idea that a knife is the "best option" for an area that's designed to birth babies is violently counter-intuitive.
Perineal massage, warm compresses, and oil (all things that increase your skin's elasticity and willingness to streeeeeetch) are always a better go-to option than the knife.
The vacuum and forceps are precisely what they sound like - devices for sucking and yanking your baby's head out of the birth canal.
Again, there is no research that indicates the use of any of these devices or methods ever improved fetal outcome over the simple and gentler warm compresses, oil and massage.
Take the time to discuss your caregiver's views of the above medical practices, at least to know whether there's a chance you're at risk of experiencing any of them yourself.
If you want to prevent serious tearing (who wouldn't?), make sure you or your partner are giving your perineum a nice streeeetchy perineal massage every night.
Be ready to get intimate in a weirdly medical way. You're going to be asking your partner to stretch your vagina as much as you can bear, by inserting their sterilized gloved thumbs an inch into your vagina while pressing down towards your anus for 1 - 3 minute intervals - ten times each night. You can lengthen the duration if it becomes "easy" with maximum pressure.
We recommend taking each minute of pressure to focus on opening, slowly inhaling and exhaling as you imagine the contractions as waves of movement down and out your vagina.
Do the massage every night for the last four weeks before your due date and you'll greatly decrease any risk of being sliced up on your child's first birthday.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - 老公上香港动新闻啦!!+ 开始收拾我的生产包


今天一睡醒,老公寄了一个 link 给我,是关于吃半熟猪肝会导致爆肝的事情~ 我第一个直觉就是告诉他,我都不吃猪肝的,结果~~因为鸡婆的关系,还是去 click 了那个link 的 video 来看,结果一看我就傻眼了~~哈哈哈。。。

@O@ 怎么那个人这么眼熟哩??怎么会是我的声音和老公的脸哩??哈哈哈。。。原来是我放在 youtube 的video 被香港的动新闻拿去做成这个新闻的前面的片段了!哈哈哈。。。太搞笑了!

动新闻的 video :

这就是我们原版的 video啦:


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - 孕前学习班 Lesson 6 + 小Qoo 房间 Wall Sticker 大功告成


今天老公从公司搭德士,我从家里搭 190 ~ 因为 7pm 我和老公要到 SCGS 参加了孕前课程的最后一堂课,这一堂课其实是个 Dr Talk,由两名医生负责讲解生产过程及育婴知识。因为我有点不舒服,吃了咳嗽药水,整个人都处于有点 mabuk 的状态~ 所以上课的时候老实说有点难专心,但还是尽力的去听。其实很多东西在我们之前跟 Mdm Wong 上课时就已经学到了,也有很多东西我在读课本时也有读到,所以算是一个复习吧~

上完课后,我们就搭190回家~ 回到家,老公就迫不及待的继续帮小Qoo 把房间弄美美~ 从前天开始,我们就忙着打扫小Qoo 的房间,昨天我们拟了一个草图后,老公就开始把之前买的粘纸粘在墙壁上,他连续忙了两天,今天终于粘好了,好可爱啊!!So Sweet~~

小Qoo:thank you Daddy~~ 辛苦你啦!^3^

Monday, March 5, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - 产检 + 小Qoo 房间的 wall sticker


今天又是产检的日子了~ before 去 clinic 之前,我先去了趟 Takashimaya,因为昨天买的其中一个小风扇有点问题,所以我就先去换,然后再去 Thomson。

到了 Takashimaya,换了风扇还买了一个 headband 给小Qoo~ 结果时间就快来不及,赶快离开taka 想要去搭巴士~结果怎么走都迷路,一共走了几个出口都不对,觉得超无助的,而且走到肚子又有点小痛的,最后决定还是搭德士好了。

总算赶上和医生预约的时间,4.45pm~ 今天我们也约了 Cord Blood Donation 的人来 ACJ 这里谈~ 所以在等医生的当儿我们也顺便和那个人了解了情形,也和他签了 Cord Blood Donation 的同意书。


这一次还蛮明显的看到小Qoo 的肚子慢慢回到比较正常的大小了,医生说他现在已经 2.2kg 了~体重还ok,他叫我们不需要太担心。然后医生还让我们看到他肥肥的脸,哈哈哈。。。不知道是因为泡在羊水里还是 ultrasound 的问题,哈哈哈。。怎么脸看起来那么肉啊?哈哈哈。。。不过好可爱哦!

今天他的预产期又回到了之前的日期了,4月18号~ 希望继续保持哦!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - Takashimaya Baby Fair


今天是 Takashimaya Baby Fair 的第一天~我们打算今天去大血拼!哈哈。。其实最主要的目的就是去买一个 playpen。和老公讨论了很久,到底应该用现在这张床,还是买 baby cot 还是买 playpen。但是分析了以下几点:我们其实已经有一张床了,暂时其实是不需要买床给小Qoo的,但是考虑到我要在家上课,总不能无时无刻看着她~ 不知道他什么时候会开始学会翻身,现在这张大床,应该等他大一点就可以直接爬出来了,担心他会跌倒,所以觉得买个 playpen 比较实际~等到他大一点了,不会再不懂事到爬出来跌到,我们就可以把 playpen 收起来,让他用现在这个大床了。所以最终决定,我们就买个 playpen,而且不要用的时候还可以收得蛮小的,不会占空间。

我们手上有$490 的 Taka Cash Voucher,$200 是上次house warming 时,老公的经理 David 送的,另外 $200 是上次老公去参加阿顺历险记时去 Universal Studio 时拿冠军赢到的,$40 是上次house warming 老公的两个同事送的,另外$50 就是最近收到的,也是老公的同事 Taryn 给的。

吃了午餐后,我们就搭190 去 Takashimaya。一到那里就看到有很多很多的婴儿手推车,还有很多大着肚子的孕妇~哈哈哈。。果然是 baby fair 啊!这里的人真的很多很多,多怕有人会撞到我的肚子,所以我也一直用手护着~

第一样东西我们就看了 Graco 的 Playpen,一直在取舍到底应该要买with 那个换 diaper 的还是不要比较好,价钱差了 $150,老公觉得应该买那个没有包括的,可是我又怕在床上换会太矮,如果没有人帮我的时候,不知道自己行不行。但是因为价钱真的差得太多了,我也觉得老公说的有理~之后在那里遇到二哥,二哥也说 sarah 不喜欢在那个地方换 diaper,他反而喜欢在他们去ikea 买的那个上面换~ 我突然想起对啊!Ikea 有卖个不错的,我们不如省下那个钱去Ikea 买就好了。所以最后决定买最basic 的 playpen,$129。

之后我们还买了小风扇,可以夹在stroller,床边等等的~ $6.80 也买了 Playtex 的 Breastmilk disposable Bag,一盒 125个 $13.20, Avent 的 barrier cream $14.80,Medela nursing bra $63.92 ,老实说买这个 bra 我真的很心痛很心痛哦!哈哈哈。。。因为这个是为了自己舒服而买的~ 是慧莹介绍的,他说他上次买了 4件后,因为不够穿,所以他就去买了别的牌子,结果不好穿~他说 medela 的 nursing bra 真的真的很舒服,很值得~ 所以考虑了很久后,我也决定买了~ 而且二哥他们说外面都买不到的,只有在 fair 才看得到,因为慧莹也在外面找了很久都找不到。

之后我们去redeem 了一个free gift,凡买超过 $350 就可以得到一个小吉他~哈哈。。老公说,人都还没有出来,就已经有玩具了!之后还去参加了 lucky draw~ 希望可以 heng heng 啊!

之后去安排送货,因为那个 playpen 如果要他们送货的话,需要很多天~所以我们决定自己拿。但是他们的货还没运到,所以我们要等到 5点。我们决定去 ION orchard 走走,因为 ION orchard 我们也有差不多 $220 的 cash voucher ,也是house warming 时拿到的。可是逛了很久都找不到要买的东西,本来想找个大包包来装以后带baby 出门的包包,可是都没有找到一个适合的。我们走到脚很酸了,还进去 OSIM 里面试用了那个按摩脚的按摩机,结果我用到很爽的时候才知道孕妇不可以用 =_=||| 哈哈哈哈。。但是用了一下后,脚真的舒服很多了,没那么痛了。

到处闲逛后,时间也差不多了~ 结果回去那里,还是拿不到我们的东西,那个人说要等到 6点 ~ 唉!所以我们有在 baby fair 到处逛一逛。然后我带老公去看刚刚第一次来时无意间看到的一个包包,感觉那个包包不错,老公在看了看也觉得这个包包很不错!喜欢这个包包有很多格子,然后里面空间间隔挺多的,可以放很多东西,然后他还附有换尿片时用的防漏垫,还有一个有保温功能的小袋子,小袋子可以用来放奶瓶保温,袋子里面装了一些挂钩,可以让我们方便挂在任何地方,包括 stroller 上。选了很久,特别中意其中一款,$103.92。所以老公就用了省下的 $70 cash voucher, 我们再 Top up 三十多块买了下来!谢谢老公~~~

之后我们就去买一点东西吃,一边吃一边等~ 之后终于拿到我们的 playpen 了,我们就搭巴士回家咯!

回到家我们就迫不及待的把那个 playpen 组装好~然后迫不及待的把小Qoo 的房间整理干净,然后把那个 playpen 放进房间里,老公还把那个 baby monitor 安装好,乔好位子~房间一切都准备得七七八八了,现在只剩下洗衣服还有粘上 wall sticker 了~ 

今天真是满载而归啊!我们把 $490 的 cash voucher 都用完了,然后自己贴了 cash $40.37 买了这些东西~

这是老公组装 playpen 的过程:


Dala~ “咻” 的一声,就把床架弄好了。






Dala! 小Qoo 的床就搞定了!

Friday, March 2, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - 和我老妹一起拍孕照~



今天老公放工回家后,我们就去吃了晚餐~ 之后美丽就到我们家了,她换上了我之前买的 黑色 tube 还有我的一条牛仔短裤(其实就是之前Bill 帮我拍时我的穿着),然后我穿上白色的tube 和白色的短裤~ 然后老公就开始帮我们拍也帮伟强和美丽拍。


不管怎么样~ 希望这两个宝贝,能够健健康康的出来,可爱快乐我们就很满足了!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - 第33个星期 + 卖东西篇~


Week 33:I'm a chunky monkey!

今天小Qoo 33个星期咯!最近开始觉得他越来越重了~哈哈哈。。有时候会觉得有点喘不过气,几乎每一天无时无刻都会腰酸,背痛,越来越觉得自己躺着的时候好像翻过来的乌龟一样~~所以每一次起床,我都要提醒自己用Mdm Wong 教的正确的方法起身,怕伤到腰。

除此之外,身体也还好~暂时也没有发现自己有水肿的现象,没有什么特别的,也不会说特别想睡觉,可能我每天都睡得很够吧!哈哈哈。。。Opps~~~ 还是一样可以做家务,走东走西的,只是觉得站得太久或走太久会比较累和酸痛而已吧~其余的都还好!算是可喜可贺吧!

这个星期日 Takashimaya 有 Baby Fair,我们应该会去那边大采购吧!哈哈哈。。至少应该会帮小Qoo 买张床,然后买一些 Nursing Bra等等的。然后就可以回来开始帮小Qoo 布置房间了,因为现在床的 size和位置 一直还没有定下来,所以买好的贴纸也一直不敢贴~

这几天在努力的上网卖我们在“啊!是你到我家!”这个节目中赢到的奖品。我们卖东西还真的有点好笑~价钱呢是绝对会比 courts 那些便宜至少 20% 的,有些甚至还跟 philips fair 一样。但是有些网友就是会把价钱压得很低很低~我们的宗旨就是卖得出就卖,卖不出或价钱太低老实说我们也不想卖,情愿收着不卖也甘愿。老公一直说这是我们 lucky 得到的东西,卖不出自己留着也就算了,我也赞同!

昨天和一个人谈妥了价钱后,blender 原价$105,扣了$5 以 $100 卖出,还有饭锅原价 $119,扣了$4 以 $115 卖出. 约了那个人在 Phoenix LRT station meet,本来他还想当场以没有零钱扣到 $210,但是我拒绝了,哈哈哈。。幸好我有足够的零钱,所以最后还是拿回了 $215.

昨天收到老公的同事 Taryn 给的 $50 Taka Voucher,让我们的 cash voucher 增加到了 $490,Woohoo~~应该可以买不少东西了吧!哈哈哈。。

For all the weight and bulk you’re lugging around these days, you’d think your little champ would weigh more than a mere 4 pounds!
But once you add in the placenta, amniotic fluid, and extra blood, you've got at least 10 pounds of baby and their life-support gear smooshed up against yourorgans!
In terms of appearance, your sweet lil' looker is getting cuter and pudgier every day as they pile on that adorable baby fat.
And as you know all too well, your womb kick-boxer is getting stronger with every passing day. Heck, it’s even possible to observe a well-placed belly-wobbling kick just by watching your belly!
Here's a fun game for when your kick-boxer is especially active: place a small object (baby blocks or a remote control) on your belly and see how far your star-kicker can lob that thing across the room!
Despite their obviously increasing strength, your bigger-by-the-day baby will actually start dropping their rate of movement in the last few weeks, no thanks to their restricted womb space.
If movement ceases for over an hour, drink some cold juice, lay on your side and wait for some added movement.
If nothing's happening at that point, go ahead and call your medical caregiver.
Hey, did you know you’ll continue feeling your baby's movements even during labor?

And how's mom doing?
Have you been feeling those delightful fake Braxton-Hicks contractions yet?Remember to eat less with each meal and opt for smaller more frequent meals, loads of water, and a post-meal walk to get things unclogged and less heartburn-tastic
If not - shut up!
These increasing uterine contractions are standard during the second half of pregnancy and lucky for you, grow in frequency during the third trimester.
Cleverly dubbed “practice labor”, BH contractions aren't the real deal, but if they're getting too frequent or intense, get a big glass of ice water, drink it and chill on the couch for a while.
That said, if you notice contractions more than four times in one hour - that don't go away in the next hour, especially when combined with changes in your vaginal discharge (EW), call your caregiver right away to make sure you're not going into premature labor.
As your magical growing baby obstinately refuses to shrink or give back any real-estate in your belly, you can sit back, "relax," and take in the heartburn and increased lower back pain.
Remember to eat less with each meal and opt for smaller more frequent meals, loads of water, and a post-meal walk to get things unclogged and less heartburn-tastic.
As for your poor back, stretch your spine out, get off your feet and elevate them above your heart - preferably in a hot-bathtub with bubbles, candle light and soft relaxing music, and don't worry too much about anything for exactly thirty minutes... if that's even possible.
Okay woman, let's get one thing straight: your body knows what it's doing when it comes to baby-building. You've come this far, right?
With that thought in hand, let's talk inductions.
The most commonly used chemicals for inductions are Pitocin, Prepidil, Cervidil and Cyotec, which all mimic (in varying ways) the naturally-occuring influx of hormones that will trigger labor in your body somewhere between week 36 and 42.
Despite being a convenient way for doctors to take control of your labor and birth, every one of these chemical induction agents carry several risks - including fetal and maternal death.
Chemical induction results in a significantly increased risk of fetal distress, hypoxia (too little oxygen) and c-section - which carries its own set of risks.
If you've already had one c-section, studies indicate that use of Pitocin the second time around increases your risk of uterine rupture (OUCH!) by 28%.
Oh, did we mention induction agents create contractions that'remuch stronger and more painful than what you'd naturally feel if left to labor on your own timetable?
That's right, not only is induction more dangerous than waiting for labor to progress naturally, but it hurts more. Nice.
Labor may be induced via non-chemical measures (sweeping membranes or breaking your water/amniotic sac), but none guarantee the same influx of hard-core contractions like the chemical agents do.
If there is no sign of real labor, then you should avoid induction altogether. Don't let your doctor scare you with reports of your baby being "too big" - not only are their weight estimates potentially wrong (yes, doctors are often wrong about the weight of the fetus when viewed by ultrasound) but many small women have birthed 10 pound babies with nary a tear in sight.
Think about it: your body is specifically designed/evolved to carry and nourish your baby until he or she is finally ready to come out. Your body isn't some sort of rickety contraption which may or may not be capable of giving birth. No, this is what your body is designedto do - whether you believe in evolution or creation!
One of the most common reasons doctors advise a c-section is for the simple fact that some babies (about 4-5%) are not in the birth-friendly head down position by their due date.
Without your baby's head leading out of the birthing canal, several issues may arise that can be problematic and even life-threatening if not handled correctly.
Rather than accept your little one's Breech position as the C-section sentence many doctors make it out to be, between now and the throes of labor, you can actively work to manipulate your baby so they're properly positioned to "head out" on their birthday.
From swimming on your head to tricking your fetus with a flashlight, check out 17 ways to Turn a Breech Baby if you want to prevent an unnecessary C-section.
If the doctors were to be completely honest, they'd have to admit that their flow chart of: chemical induction → painful fake labor → epidural → "emergency" c-section (after labor fails to progress as your body isn't fully ready to give birth) is a much easier-to-control series of events.
Waiting for a woman's body to work it's way from early labor to the point she wants to bear down and push just isn't that easy to predict and control, and typically can be done just fine without any extra costly devices.
Lest we sound too negative, doctors are smart folks specifically trained to solve problems, treat disease and injury, and otherwise take an active role in preventing death and undue suffering.
Contrary to their medical training- which focuses on worst case scenarios that demand their interference, labor is one situation where there simply is no problem and the best option is to wait, watch and trust the woman's body to do the amazing work we've been capable of since before doctors even existed.
Take home message: if you've had a healthy normal pregnancy, induction is the wrong choice - both for you and your baby.