Saturday, December 31, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 2012年来咯!OMG好忙的一个星期~


今天是2011年的最后一天,昨天回去帮我妈妈庆祝生日后,今天一大早陪老公和伟强美丽去 Pathlab 验血,then 吃了肉骨茶早餐后我们就匆匆忙忙的赶过来新加坡了~

一来是因为很怕呆到下午去的话会很塞车,现在肚子大了,塞车感觉会很不舒服。二来是因为我要回去继续赶工。这整个星期我都好忙好忙,因为1月3号就要教上 final cake 了,所以这整个星期几乎每天都在赶工~ 就连今天的倒数日,我也都在忙,忙到没什么时间庆祝,我们今天的晚餐最后决定吃好久没有吃的面包餐。



我们今晚就躺在床上,穿梭在 Channe U 的韩国搞笑电影和 Channel 5 的倒数活动中,在床上倒数着过完我们这个充满快乐回忆的2011年。

期待2012年的到来,可是心里也好紧张哦!2012 年到来了,也就表示小Qoo 很快就要出来和我们见面了,心里真是又期待又害怕。

Thursday, December 29, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 第24个星期


Week 24:Look ma, my ears can hear!

今天是小Qoo 24个星期也就是6个月的日子了~ 2012 年就要来咯!好期待啊!这个星期我真的可以说是忙得焦头烂耳~~ 唉~~可怜的小Qoo 被我虐待了~~

It's another week full of exciting developments for your magical growing baby!
Just take a look at the checklist for this week: 1) ears: done; 2) fingernails: done; 3) (if you have a boy) testicles: taking their 3-4 day trip from the abdominal wall to the scrotum; and 4) lungs walls: secreting “surfactant”.
What’s surfactant? It's basically what it sounds like: a surface-activated fat that helps your baby's little lungs inflate (where inflate = fill with air not get more expensive for no understandable reason).
In the meantime, your submerged baby is still breathing in their amniotic fluid (and a bit of pee), preparing and rehearsing their lungs for an oxygen-filled life outside the womb.
By the end of this week, your wee womb-squatter will be weighing in at a whopping 2 lbs and 14 inches long.
All this new weight means your tiny baby is actually starting to fill out their skin, but they're not anywhere near their adorable fat-baby potential.
Most of the fetal “filling out” is coming up in that long awaited (and slightly dreaded?) third trimester. Woo-hoo! Get ready!

And how's mom doing?
Your little one is moving (spinning, kicking, pirouetting, shimmying, and maybe even doing a bit of the Can-Can) so much these days that if you invite your friends and/or family to touch your belly there’s a good chance they’ll get a milder sample of what you’ve been experiencing.We recommend taking the belly-touching calmly and if it really offends you, just say something like: “I just fell in a large vat of anthrax.”
You may be feeling as if you've got a sign on your forehead that says, "Please touch my belly and ask how far along I am right now!"
For some obnoxious-yet-confusing reason, a visibly pregnant belly is often treated as public property and a silent invitation for belly touching.
We recommend taking the belly-touching calmly and if it really offends you, just say something like: “I just fell in a large vat of anthrax.” Or perhaps something a little less aggressive, like, “Please, at the very least, ask me before touching my body.”
There are of course many women who enjoy sharing this touching ritual with others. Find your comfort zone and good luck with the rest.
The danger of getting pre-eclampsia (a.k.a. Toxemia) during pregnancy is significantly higher for women who're inactive, overweight and/or suffer from past issues with blood pressure.
Pre-eclampsia is characterized by significant swelling of the hands and face, excessive weight gain, blurry vision with severe headaches or abdominal pain.
We're not talking a little bit of swelling in the feet, but ALL over - aka edema. Sudden ongoing swelling to the hands and face and/or blurry vision should be reported immediately to your medical caregiver.
Pre-eclampsia can be diagnosed by high blood pressure and the presence of certain proteins in your urine. Again, high blood pressure alone does not mean you are affected, but is cause enough for you to clean up your diet (one of the theorized causes) and attempt to be more active, which'll increase your heart's strength and capacity to pump blood.
Why you don't want it: Pre-eclampsia can prevent the placenta from receiving enough blood, thus depriving your baby of essential nutrients and lowering oxygen levels, both of which cause low birth weights and other related issues.
If you do have pre-eclampsia, you'll probably be put on bed-rest, which is not something anyone wants for the final trimester of their pregnancy.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 圣诞节 2011


今天是圣诞节,听着圣诞歌别有一番滋味~ 今天我们两个也没有出门,就呆在家里~懒着一整天,哈哈哈。。。还睡了个大午觉,然后晚上就来个两个人文文静静的 BBQ~ 为什么称为文静呢?哈哈哈。。因为我们弄了小小的火炭,烤了一点点的小鸡腿,沙爹之类的~而且今天老公用了一个大风扇把所有的烟都抽去屋外,所以我们几乎可以说是完全没有被烟熏晕~哈哈哈。。就这样哀哉哀哉的过了我们最后一个2人世界的圣诞节。

Saturday, December 24, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 两个人最后一个安静的圣诞节?




今年我们和往年一样烤了一只鸡,今年的口味是有点类似 peri peri chicken 的,但是。。好像不够辣哩~哈哈哈。。但还不错吃啦!当然我们也煮了蘑菇汤,还有弄了Salad和我第一次做的 Cake Lava 来当甜品。当然我们也点了蜡烛来增加气氛,然后还开了一瓶 Sparkling Juice,哈哈哈。。


Thursday, December 22, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 第23个星期 + 冬至


Week 23:Singin' in the womb!


在我磨汤圆的时候,小Qoo 还在肚子里面动来动去的,哈哈哈。。老公就说:这是他第一次过冬至哩!当然兴奋啦!哈哈哈哈。。今年配合我缤纷快乐的生活和心情,我做了个色彩缤纷的汤圆~哈哈。。。冬至快乐啦!小Qoo 宝贝~

Your little womb hi-jacker is starting to kick their break-dance party up a notch now that his/her ears are registering sounds from the outside world!
The sound of a phone ringing (or that catchy ring tone), a thunder clap, or a car honking will actually jar their little ears enough to elicit a kick or violent bout of squirming.
More importantly, this means that their little ears are picking up the sounds of your voice and others around you.
So, if you've been yelling a lot (and really, who doesn't get cranky when they're pregnant?) it's time to reign that in and practice a little self restraint for the sake of your little eavesdropper, who is becoming more exquisitely sensitive to all of your behaviors every day.
The equation is simple: happy healthy mama = happy healthy baby.
Stress during pregnancy is quite literally BAD for your baby's developing brain. It's time to clean out the toxic relationships and situations in your life for your sake and your child's sake.
Take the time to center and be quiet - to reflect on the growing life inside of you and the future you will share together. Read up on infant development and attachment to start preparing yourself for the first time you meet your child.

And how's mom doing?
If no one's ever warned you about the joys of the pregnancy-sleep-challenge, you’re probably starting to discover them yourself.To reduce undue cankle-age avoid sitting for long periods of time — and for the hundredth time: don’t forget to stay active!
The good news: some very thoughtful people invented pillows specifically designed to give a pregnant woman a better chance of sleeping through the night. If you do buy a pregnancy pillow, make sure to keep the receipt as some women still have problems sleeping and fare better with their own uniquely crafted pillow set-up.
The bad news: these magical pillows won't stop you from needing to pee three times every night.
Even if you don't have extra money to blow on special pregnancy pillows: you can achieve a more comfortable sleep by using additional pillows or folded blankets, under your belly and between your legs.
Are you remembering to drink lots of fluids?
Plenty of good ol’ fashioned H20 (water) keeps your baby in clean amniotic fluid and reduces swelling in your poor ankles and feet.
The oh-so sexy pregnancy-induced swollen cankles are a result of the weight of your baby + uterus + amniotic fluid pressing on your pelvic veins, thereby slowing fluid circulation to the lower half of your body, which causes water retention.
To reduce undue cankle-age avoid sitting for long periods of time — and for the hundredth time: don’t forget to stay active!
Drinking loads of water is also good for your little swimmer as dehydration is frequently connected with premature birthing.
Yep, it’s a lot of responsibility, but you can do it! You’re almost two-thirds of the way there already! Keep up the good work mom!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 老公第一次深刻的感受小Qoo 在动 + 小Qoo的第一份圣诞礼物+ 在 Ossia 的最后一天


今天是我在 Ossia 做工的最后一天,已经在这间公司带了7年多8年了~心情真的很矛盾~因为毕竟有点舍不得工作那么多年的环境,也不舍得一直对我不错的同事,当然也舍不得我可爱的学生,因为我真的花了很多心思教他们,看到他们慢慢的进步了,却又要离开他们,心里万般不舍~

可是因为我有了小Qoo,我必须要为他着想,我希望自己能够多点时间照顾她,陪她~所以决定不再和公司续约,虽然明年3月开始才到期,本来我要求提早一个月结束的,但老板娘 Mdm Pua 说提早一个月的话我需要赔钱,但1月开始他们有新老师,所以如果我可以提早两个月跟他们解约的话,我就完全不需要做任何赔偿。所以最后我决定直接1月开始和他们结束合约。


所以。。我可以从今天开始好好的享受我两个星期的假期,好好的享受学做 fondant 的日子~好好的享受在家闲闲的日子~哈哈哈。。4月开始就会有得我忙了~

今天做工的时候,就感觉到小Qoo好会动哦!哈哈哈。。怀他那么久,今天第一次那么会动~ 晚上回到家,我把这件事情告诉老公~但每次老公一碰他他就不动了~之后老公一走开,他又开始动的时候我就大笑说:真的也~你看他又开始动了!

这时老公走了回来,他对着肚子说,daddy 在这里哩~踢我啦~结果过不久,小Qoo 真的在他的手那里踢了一脚,我们两个就瞪大的眼睛看着对方~哈哈哈。。。终于啊!小Qoo,你的daddy 终于明确的感受到你动了!哈哈。。之后他还继续的踢了好多次呢~ 那种感觉真是太神奇太可爱了~

然后今天 Storhub 的 Ivy 还送了小Qoo 一份圣诞礼物~哈哈。。还没出世就已经有礼物了!你看!你多幸福啊~小Qoo~~哈哈哈。。Ivy 姨姨送你的是一件可爱的小袜子哦!mummy 好喜欢~你一定也会很喜欢的~哈哈。。

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - PME Diploma Sugarpaste Course Lesson 2


今天上课真的很好玩~我非常 enjoy~哈哈。。一直到吃午餐之前我们都在忙着做水果,哈哈哈。。可能小Qoo 也感觉到我的开心吧~他今天偶尔偶尔会动一下呢!

因为大家做的比较简单,我要比别人做更多东西,所以我一直在赶工~结果把自己搞得好累哦! 哈哈。。所以我决定下一堂课做个简单点的蛋糕,让自己休息休息。



Monday, December 19, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 忙碌的星期一


因为明天有上课,所以今天我一整天都在忙着准备明天上课要用的蛋糕,材料等等的。我今天也把昨天做好的 Fondant 再次拿来搅拌~触感真的很不一样,感觉跟买的差不多呢!哈哈。。骄傲的说~~ 而且用 mixer 真的轻松好多好多哦!

本来可以很简单的功课,结果因为自己想要搞 pattern,所以做了 2 tier 的 cake~哈哈哈。。还做了小猴子。真的没有想到自己可以成功做出来,所以好开心哦!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 和学生的 gathering


今天我们特地从 Jb 提早回来新加坡,因为晚上我叫了我的学生来我家 gathering,但是不是全部的学生,因为有很多学生有事情不然就是去旅行还没回来。但单单6个学生已经可以把我们的家搞得天翻地覆了~哈哈。。幸好其他的不能来。

今天老公帮我们去打包了 KFC,然后我在家里让他们各自表演自己准备的歌曲,然后就让他们大吃一顿~今天想以轻松的心情和他们相处,所以我的心情也很放松,哈哈哈。。感觉他们都很开心,所以我也觉得很开心了~他们离开回家前,我还送了他们那天12月16号和老公去买和包得漂漂亮亮的小礼物。


Saturday, December 17, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 孕妇牛仔裤 + 看电影


今天一早醒来我们就去班兰吃了云吞面,我还一边吃云吞面一边用 baby plus ,虽然有些人会看我,但管它的!哈哈。。

然后就去 Jusco 走走~ 去 Jusco 看了一些小宝宝的衣服,因为不知道到时候会不会有人送小Qoo 衣服,所以我们也只是看看,不敢买~因为听说前 3个月的衣服不要买太多,很快就穿不下了。所以我们只是买了一些棉花,准备回来自己卷成棉花球让小Qoo 洗脸洗屁股用的。


之后老公还提议说去看看有什么电影可以看的,我们今晚去拍拖看电影~哈哈。。难得老公这么提议呢~我当然很开心的说好!哈哈哈。。我们买了晚上10点场的 Mission Impossible 4~

晚上在我家吃了饭后,因为要打开大哥他们给的 play pat 看看还有没有用,结果因为太久没人开了,有点怪怪的,浪费了不少时间~眼看时间就快到了,我们一弄好就马上冲出门到电影院去。

在看电影的时候,小Qoo 就在我肚子里动来动去的,哈哈哈。。难道他也会看?也会紧张吗?哈哈。。

Friday, December 16, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 第一次为小Qoo 正式添购衣服 + 有点敏感爱哭的晚上


昨天文辉一家来我们家,所以今天老公特地请了假陪一陪他们,而且他说剩下的半天也可以好好的陪陪我,我也觉得他之前几天一直不舒服,好好的休息一天是应该的。文辉的女儿 Ann Ann 好可爱,是个快乐的小女孩,老公还帮他拍了很多可爱的照片~期待以后我女儿小Qoo 也有很多很漂亮的照片,因为老公现在已经开始在构思要怎么帮我和小Qoo 拍照了~哈哈。。

之后我们就回JB,然后在 JB 的 FOS 买了3件小Qoo 0-3 months 的衣服~ 好可爱啊!!而且也不贵~一件才 RM10,而且衣服的质感很好很舒服呢~我自己也买了一件上衣,因为肚子越来越大了,很多衣服开始不能穿了,哈哈。。


然后今天我们终于拿到了 baby plus,第一次让小Qoo 听 bom bom bom~ 他的反应很平静,哈哈。。完全没有感觉他动。


小Qoo~你知道吗~在 daddy mummy 眼里,你是个乖巧的宝宝~虽然你还没出世,但是我们两个就一直有种感觉你会是个贴心可爱快乐的小宝贝~因为总觉得你很疼mummy,所以你应该会是个乖宝宝~哈哈。。谢谢你,让mummy 在怀你的期间没有害喜的现象,可以正常到自己常常忘了你就在mummy 身体里~

Daddy Mummy 爱你~ 期待你的到来哦!希望你是个快乐的宝宝,所以mummy 常常一直大笑,尽量不生气不难过,希望你出世后,也是个爱笑的小可爱哦!所以mummy 从现在开始会更加努力的控制自己的情绪的!加油!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 第22个星期


Week 22:I'm wrinklier than a raisin!

Congratulations! You’re now housing a human who weighs nearly a pound and measures nearly a foot in length!
Your wee babe's perfect little pancreas (a super-duper organ that produces hormones and aids in digestion) is now making its own hormones for your baby's body and brain!
If you were worried, you can finally stop that: your baby's future in the circus as a world-famous tight-rope-walker is secure now that their inner ear is developed to the point that they have their own sense of balance.
Luckily for your little womb-explorer, this new balance promotes physical dexterity, which has them actively feeling out their surroundings where skin, body parts, and the resident umbilical cord are the big sensory experiences.
Your sweet babe is sort of looking like an oversized red prune right now as more and more skin (and therefore wrinkles) are showing up each week.
Not to worry, all those wrinkles are just your baby's way of planning ahead for the time when they’ll start piling on all of that irresistible baby chub.

And how's mom doing?
Take a moment to think about this: your uterus has now stretched to such unholy proportions that it extends up past your belly button!
The not-so-exciting part of this remarkable fact is that growth like this tends to leave stretch marks and can itch like nobody’s business.The reality is: stretch marks are scars on your skin that won’t disappear or react with a topical cream. The best prevention is retaining muscle tone by staying active on a daily basis throughout pregnancy
If it makes you feel any better, stretch marks on the belly are extremely common.
Don’t get suckered into buying really expensive creams that claim to make stretch marks ‘magically disappear'. Also, creams aren't going to preventthem, either... sorry, but skin cells aren't that amenable to topical creams.
The reality is: stretch marks are scars on your skin that won’t disappear or react with a topical cream. The best prevention (read week 19 for an in-depth explanation of stretch marks) is retaining muscle tone by staying active on a daily basis throughout pregnancy.
Skin-cream lies aside, feel free to apply all the aloe-vera you need to alleviate the itching!
If you're seeing a doctor for prenatal care, they'll be administering a glucose screening test in the upcoming weeks.
The test checks for Gestational Diabetes (GD) a high blood sugar condition that some women are susceptible to during pregnancy - especially those with insulin issues, which're often due to chronic bad diets and inactivity (read: high carbs + sugars, with little to no fresh veggies and fruits).
At most, 5 percent of women actually test positive for this problem, but if you do, you will probably have a few more follow up tests to be sure.
If you end up with a positive test, make a plan with your caregiver to treat the condition and get your insulin levels back to healthy levels.
Untreated, the high sugar content in your blood enables the overproduction of baby fat for your little one, and often results in overly high birth weight which can induce premature birth and/or the necessity to deliver via cesarean.
Lastly, if you're a woman who's been careful to eat right and stay active (you know who you are - you're having a "fit pregnancy" and already felt good about your body and health going in), this test falls under the category of "completely optional" - especially since it's a pain in the ass.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 小Qoo daddy 不舒服~


星期三开始,连续几天老公都不舒服,每天都处于病态当中,所以他也不敢给我 goodnight kiss 和 goodbye kiss~ 也不敢靠近我的肚子和小Qoo 说话,因为他怕把病菌传染给我们。可怜的老公~~ 希望你早日康复哦!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - PME Diploma Sugarpaste Course Lesson 1


今天是我上课的第一天,因为什么工具也没有,所以老师今天会提早一个小时上课,跟我们介绍一些需要买的东西,结果这样买一买就花掉了 三百多块 =-=||| 吓死人了!哈哈哈

因为这是我第一次接触 fondant ,所以所有的东西对我来说都好新鲜~昨天还第一次在家里自己动手做 fondant,因为心想如果每次都买的话那不是很贵,如果自己学会做才是长久之计!

老师对于我自己做的fondant频频称赞,但他说只是搅拌得不够,只要再搅拌多一段时间就ok了~还知道原来我可以用 mixer 来做,那就简单多了!哈哈。。。

总觉得这应该也算胎教的其中一环吧~哈哈。。因为我乖乖的专心一致的坐在位子上学做 fondant,希望小Qoo 以后长大也可以跟mummy一样喜欢做这些东西哦~那从小你就可以陪着mummy 一起玩啦!哈哈。。

Saturday, December 10, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - Metro & Tott 一日游


今天和老公去 Woodland 的 metro 走走,因为要 renew member card而且也想来看看小Qoo BB 的东西还有 Tefal 平底锅。本来打算昨天就过来的,可是我们两个都好累,还有点头痛,所以换成今天来走走。

来到 Metro,我们先吃了 Buy 1 Free 1 的麦当劳鱼柳包

然后就去 Metro 走走,看到了 Tefal 平底锅,可是如果等到1月再买的话会更便宜,因为 birthday month 我就可以拿到 20% 折扣了。然后还看到很多 Pigeon 的东西,本来打算买,可是老公说既然之后还要再来,就下次再一次过一起买吧~

还看到了 medela breast pump 我们要买的accessories,还蛮贵的呢~一个就要三十多新币了,而且还要买两边。这个图画上是 L size 的,但其实我买 M size 就可以了~哈哈。。原来那个size 是要自己量乳头来决定的。

然后因为星期二我就要开始上 PME 课了,所以想买个 pizza cutter,老公建议去 Tott 走走看看,之后我也决定去那边看看,所以我们就搭了 961 去到 Tott。上次来是因为 Channel U 主办的那个型男烹饪课,这一次纯粹只是来走走逛逛,所以时间很充足的让我们在这里慢慢的逛,这里的东西真的很多很多,有些在外面很难找到的锅,模型等等的他们也有卖。




这是我吃的鸡腿~那个 salad 好好吃哦!

Friday, December 9, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 老公第一次的咖喱米粉


今天我们没有回 JB,所以老公下厨~老公今天在我没有帮忙的情况下,竟然自己把咖喱煮出来了~真是太厉害了!哈哈哈。。。爸爸的威力不可以低估哦!而且还炒了米粉,真是太赞了!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 第21个星期


Week 21:Look Mommy, I'm dreaming!

Your beautiful little miracle-gro baby will be putting on a full ounce and a half this week.
And that's just the beginning! Within the next five weeks, they'll really be packin' it on as they start to gain fat!
For now, we’re pleased to report the addition of rapid eye movement (REM); a key component to any healthy baby's sleep schedule, that indicates they're now capable of dreaming.
Over in the dermatology department: your sweet lil bun's thin soft skin is very red, rather translucent, and a bit wrinkled.
Not to worry, it’s not some creepy premature aging disease. It's just their clever little body setting them up with extra space that will smooth out once your little one starts packing on the baby-fat. That won’t be for a few more weeks, though.
So, for the time being, your munchkin is still a little lean mean growing machine!
Lastly, the beginnings of what is commonly called “brown fat” is just starting to fill in to help your baby retain some body heat, which is crucial as they’re not yet capable of regulating their own body temperature.

And how's mom doing?
We're smack in the middle of trimester two and you're in the full swing of baby-growin'.You can feel fluttering little kicks, but your womb-hijacker hasn't yet grown to their full-sized unholy proportions that'll leave you feeling like a pregnant whale with legs
Most moms are feeling pretty good right about now. You can feel fluttering little kicks, but your womb-hijacker hasn't yet grown to their full-sized unholy proportions that'll leave you feeling like a pregnant whale with legs.
You may already be noticing some mild uterine contractions — don’t panic, this is completely normal. It's also normal not to have them.
Actually, your uterus contracts throughout your whole life — only now that there’s enough pressure on the uterine muscles can you feel the contractions.
Have you started thinking about breastfeeding your child?
If this is your first pregnancy, one of the things that you'll have to be ready for, is having your breasts be your baby's primary food source for their first year.
For reasons that aren't entirely clear, much of North America decided that breastfeeding was for the poor and weird back in the sixties.
Formula became the culturally preferred option despite there being absolutely no evidence that it was indeed better for infants.
As scientists began to compare formula and breast milk - made by your body which built your baby cell by cell, they found overwhelming evidence that breast milk is superior to every brand of formula out there.
We'll cover this in more depth next week, but suffice it to say, unless you're physically incapable of breastfeeding, you should be preparing yourself for this very unique feeding relationship with your infant.

我♥ の孕日记 - 我的神秘午餐





红枣+水梨 BINGO!这样比较好吃吗?

不!!!只是我这个 blur blur 的孕妇想要吃水梨的时候,整颗水梨就这样掉进了红枣水里面,喷到我一脸都是红枣水 T_T 

小 Qoo~~ please~~ 不要像 mummy 一样blur ok~~哈哈哈。。。不然你的 daddy 会很忙的~哈哈哈哈。。。

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 满满的厨房,第一次的燕窝~


今天我去 Beauty World 做工,但是还没去上班之前我先去了一趟 BIY,因为我决定报名参加那个 PME Sugarpaste Diploma Course,希望趁这个12月比较有空的时候去学我一直想学的东西,而且以后小Qoo 出生后我一定没有这种机会了,所以我毅然决定要参加,就算知道怀孕上课那么多个小时一定会很辛苦。

给了钱,肯定了位子,也比较安心了~ 期待 13号的第一堂课!之后就直接搭 67 去公司做工。晚餐时间,也要因为午餐吃得不多,所以晚餐好饿!所以在这个公司做了那么那么多年,差不多有 7-8年吧~这好像是我第一次自己一个人坐在这个小贩中心吃晚餐,哈哈。。以前大多数都没有吃,不然最多就是打包~今天自己一个人坐在这里吃椰浆饭的感觉也还不错。




这是我怀孕那么久以来第一次炖燕窝~也是第一次正式吃燕窝吧~ 好吃哦!哈哈哈。。。老公说鸡精等等的都要他煮,拿给我,我才会去喝。



Tuesday, December 6, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 小侄女 Sarah


今天是我二哥二嫂的小公主 Sarah 出生的日子,二嫂本来打算自然生的,但是因为Sarah 没有转下来而且因为血压的问题所以需要提早开刀出生,也因为这样我们可以提早看到我们的小可爱 Sarah~

 欢迎你加入我们这一家啊~~ Sarah

姑姑好想抱抱你哦~可是奶奶说因为姑姑在怀孕啊!他们老一辈的人有 pantang 说被怀孕女人抱过的宝宝以后会不乖哦~所以为了你好,姑姑决定不碰你啦~哈哈。。。不过你的姑丈有抱抱你哦~哈哈。。你是我们的 sweet girl~~^3^

PS: 这一次去看 Sarah 的时候真的让我们见识到什么是胎便,哈哈。。。好黑好黑好黑哦!而且好粘呢!让我想起 Swenson 的 Stick Chewy Chocolate~哈哈哈。。。

Monday, December 5, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - Detail Scan


今天可是小Qoo 的大日子!哈哈。。。因为呢~~可以算是最后一个比较重大的考试了吧! appointment 时间是早上10点,老公一早起来弄了一个让我看了很开心的早餐,哈哈哈~~~ 带着愉快和期待的心情去 Thomson 做检查咯!

左边是我的:全熟的荷包蛋(=_=||| 虽然我超爱半生熟的,不过必须要忍到小Qoo 出生为止,听说还要忍到断奶为止,555555) 再加一杯孕妇奶粉。

右边是老公:差不多全熟的半生熟荷包蛋,哈哈。。还有一杯 Old Town 咖啡(好想喝一口 T_T)

吃饱早餐后,我们就搭巴士到 Thomson去,今天比预计的时间早到,大概9:35左右我们就到了,因为今天老公在 detail scan 后需要回去上班,所以我们希望早点到可以早点结束,让他早点回去上班。

等了一会,10点左右终于到我们了!今天做 detail scan 老公同样礼貌的问了那个人可不可以 record video,他说不行,因为这是他们医院的 rules。哈哈哈。。。所以我们也不强求,反正我们的医生可以让我们record。

这一次没有像 OSCAR 那么顺利,因为小Qoo 的脸一直朝下,所以那个人照了很久都没办法准确的量他的头和鼻子。我就在那边翻来翻去,我们还一直叫他弄他,他不翻就是不翻,哈哈。。应该还在睡觉吧~那个人把所有该照的都照完后,又再try 多一次照他的头,这次比较好了,他照了一次,说:the baby head is big!我就马上问那个人:why so big 啊? 结果那个人笑着说:haha.. how i know why the bb head so big? should ask u ya ~ mummy~ hahaha ... it's the gene problem ya~

=_=||| 然后他又再照多一次然后说:erm~~ it's the size, baby's head is big, but never mind~~ as long as inside is normal~


之后那个人叫我们出去外面坐一坐,因为他照不到小Qoo 的鼻子。走出去后,我们就一直在外面跟他说话,我跟他说daddy 还要赶去做工的啊~不要坏坏啊~赶快转过来让我们照了就可以去看医生啦~


等那个报告印好后,我们就拿着那份报告下楼去 ACJ Clinic 找Dr Tan。今天也是好多人哦!等了一段时间,终于到我们了。我一进去就问医生:医生,我的 baby 头很大哩~怎么办?

哈哈哈。。。他笑,然后看了我的报告说ok啊~我说ok 吗?超出那个表了。

他说,ok 的,还在正常的范围里面的。哈哈哈。。。然后我又说这样会不会很难生啊?医生就说:到时候我们再看,如果头大身体就容易出来啊~如果出不来我们再看是要开刀还是什么都ok 啊~

然后我又说,她是 girl girl 哩~头大不是很丑~ 结果房间里的护士,老公和医生都大声笑了~哈哈哈。。。可能我的问题很奇怪吧~不过这是我的心里话啊,不经意就说了。哈哈哈。。。结果医生还是有办法安慰我~ 头大女孩子才ok 嘛~有头发可以盖~

=-=||| 我只能说,医生你真是太厉害了!什么东西都能够安慰我,让我放心安心,哈哈哈。。但我就是需要你这种医生,哈哈。。

看了医生之后,我们meet 了 Karine 和 Kayzel 去附近的 Novena 吃 Ajisan Ramen,然后Karine 送我们到大巴窑,老公就去做工,我就去红人走走逛逛,买东西。

结果逛到一半肚子超级痛的,所以就搭德士回家了,幸好没有在外面“chua” 塞~哈哈哈。。

今天很开心呢~因为看到小Qoo 健康的长大,虽然头大了点,哈哈。。。开始的时候还跟老公在那边争论到底是谁的头大,我就一直咬定说是他的头大!

结果晚上回到家,我把小Qoo 头很大的事情跟妈妈说,妈妈就直接说:那不是像你咯!你的头也是很大啊!你没有看你小时候的照片,头多大!四个里面就你最难生了,因为头很大啊!



好啦!这就是我们可爱小Qoo 小龙女的照片啦!

左边:这是她的左手和右手,有点难拍。因为她的左手一直抓着她的脚 ( =_=||| 奇怪的姿势)好不容易才拍到。

右边:这是她的头顶,也有点难拍。哈哈哈。。因为她的脸一直 face 着下面,所以有点压到。而且算出来的结果:头大到爆表!我的天啊!






右边:这是她的 kidney~全部都 Ok!

左边:这是她的心脏,心脏的照片拍了好多好多次,那个人才满意。还有一次还拍成了 Love Shape 呢~哈哈。。

右边:哈哈哈。。。我们的小Qoo小宝贝是个“小龙女”哦!Yeah!! 太好了!我可以去买 pink pink 的可爱小裙子给她咯!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 小Qoo 的房间终于不是 storeroom 咯!


今天在 mediacorp 的人走后,我们就吃炒乌东面当午餐,then 就赖在客厅看电视~看完电视后,又有点累了~然后就去房间睡午觉!睡到6点多,然后又吃老公炒的快熟面一边看电视剧 “巾帼枭雄” ~哈哈哈哈。。一整天就是吃睡看,吃睡看~ 一直迟迟都没有做我们今天的目标:收拾小Qoo 的房间。。

直到看完了“巾帼枭雄”后,我终于鼓起勇气走进那个房间准备开始动工~ 哈哈哈。。。老公原本打算要剪头发的,也更改计划,加入我的阵容,一起来大扫除!

就这样我们分工合作,老公负责粗重的工作,搬搬抬抬整理整个房间。我就负责把老公搬过去 entertainment room 的一些杂物盒子搞定!里面都是一些杂物,旧的东西,还有我和老公充满回忆的情书,卡片,通话纸条等等,从中学收到现在呢!哈哈哈~~所以我就。。。一边读一边笑一边看咯~哈哈。。老公说:难怪我的效率那么慢!因为一直在那边看看看,哈哈。。


=_=||| 也有道理啦!哈哈哈。。。

之后终于收完咯!老公也把小Qoo 的房间重新整理布置,哈哈哈。。。看起来舒服多了!

这张原本放在小Qoo 房间的床也被搬来了 entertainment room~哈哈。。。打算以后我们看电影的时候就可以把整张床拉出来,躺在床上看电影了。而且有客人来的话,也可以睡在冷气房。哈哈哈。。。因为可怜的小Qoo 没有冷气!

我♥ の孕日记 - mediacorp 来我们家拍 profile video


今天早上 9.30-11.30,和 mediacorp 约好了来我们家拍 profile video。老公一大早起床,稍微收拾了一下厨房,然后我就起床冲凉梳洗,弄了 hotdog bun 来当早餐。吃饱后我们就开始梳妆打扮穿美美。哈哈哈。。。然后才发现我没有衣服可以穿,55555.。。。之前想好要穿的衣服还在洗衣篮里,没办法,临时随便算了一件衣服来穿,因为有点紧身的衣服,所以肚子看得好明显哦~哈哈。。。希望拍出来不会很难看吧~唉~ 老公选了一件 Levi’s 的 T Shirt,结果被他们要求换掉,哈哈哈。。原因是招牌太明显了~不行!

接近10点,听到楼下有车的声音,走去后面一看~发现一辆巴士上,有人扛下了很多的器材,然后还看到了之前见过的导播和工作人员。整辆巴士就只载了 8个工作人员和一对器材~哈哈。。

我们虽然不是第一次面对镜头,哈哈。。结婚的时候更紧张~ 这次感觉就自然多一点,不过有时候还是笑得有点尴尬,哈哈。。希望拍出来效果还不错吧~

还有!还有!我们被要求说了一些很臭屁的话~ 哈哈哈。。。希望节目播出后,不会被人家说我好练!哈哈哈。。纯粹只是节目效果啦!哈哈~~

今天的经验真的很特别,觉得看到了很不一样的东西。开拍之前他们会说 rolling 啦~然后说完话后要停几秒啦~眼睛不可以看别的地方啦~等等等很多东西都要注意!有时候我和老公说笑得太自然了!他们说好!我们还担心自然过头变丑八怪了!哈哈哈。。。



明年1月我生日时才是正式拍摄的日期,有些朋友开玩笑问我们那么想红哦~哈哈哈。。。其实我们根本不想红也不是喜欢上电视。这一次决定这么做,是因为我们想用这个特别的方法来纪念我们怀着小Qoo 的过程,也用了这个特别的方式来庆祝我成为妈妈前最后一个生日。哈哈哈。。。我相信这个经验和回忆将会是永生难忘的!


Saturday, December 3, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 爱心木耳,炖雪梨



今天他煮了午餐后,然后就冲去公司,因为公司要换 server,所以我一个人在家收拾屋子,洗厕所和冰箱等~


Thursday, December 1, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 一个人的晚餐


今天是 Jack 的生日,所以老公和一班同事上船去帮他庆祝。所以今天的晚餐应该是我怀孕后第一次一个人的晚餐。放工后,在 Lot 1 的 delifrance 买了一条法国面包,然后再去 fairprice 买了一些水果和罐头蘑菇汤准备回家自己弄来吃。


今天老公和我都有点 down,尤其是老公~ 因为他上船帮大家拍照的时候,电话突然从裤袋里滑了出来,就不偏不倚的在一寸大的缝隙里滑入了海里~ 虽然很心痛,因为又要花钱买过新的电话~但是算了吧!既然那个电话之前又爆 screen,之后换了screen 又不见~哈哈。。注定老公和他的 iphone 缘分已尽~ 是时候换 Siri 了~