Monday, October 31, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 第16个星期


Week 16:Time for ye olde ultrasounde

这个星期,我竟然又以头痛来开始~ 唉!怎么又头痛了呢? 现在还在观察到底是什么原因搞到我头痛的。是泡参鸡精吗?还是因为连续几天都太迟睡觉,导致有点睡眠不足,然后加上天气太热,一直走在太阳底下?唉~总之非常非常不喜欢这种感觉,我觉得头痛真的好难受哦!可不可以不要再头痛了呢?而且每次一痛起来呢~就是接连几天都有点点不舒服的感觉,除了这个以外,容易累,其他的我都觉得自己的状况都很好~能吃能跑能跳能笑!

这个星期五,我们就要第一次带小Qoo 出远门咯!哈哈哈。。。我们带你去坐火车,然后去以前daddy mummy 拍拖的时候常常去的云顶(因为又凉又舒服又便宜又靠近)哈哈哈。。。然后还去KL 走走逛逛,搞不好还有机会看到你的姑姑哦~

这个星期老公又煮了好喝营养的豆奶,哈哈。。。已经是他第四次的豆奶了~ 越煮越上手了哦!我也喝得不亦乐乎~ 幸好不会抗拒这味道,反而还蛮喜欢的~ 哈哈。。希望能够生个白白的宝宝哦~~

Over the past three weeks your magical-gro baby has managed to add on yet another 2 full inches of length (totaling about 4.5 inches) and now weighs a whopping 3.5 ounces!
Guess what? Your little lollipop is not so bobble-headed anymore!
Yep, your baby's head-to-body ratio is starting to even out, as the rest of their body - including their arms and legs (the better to kick you with!) plays catch-up.
One of the most anticipated moments in pregnancy is the "quickening" or the first time you undeniably feel your child move inside of you.
In some cultures a woman is not even considered pregnant untilshe experiences the quickening!
Women claim to feel it as early as 14 weeks. That said, other women laugh at the thought of that woman cherishing a fart that's rumbling in her small intestines.
In general, it's safe to say that after 18 - 20 weeks, all women will experience the quickening as a definitive non-fart poke or prod from within their womb.
Those sweet little flutters will evolve into pokes, prods, and even outright painful kicking as your break-dancing baby-cakes grow in size and seek ways to straighten out in their increasingly cramped quarters.
If you had that gender ultrasound right now, which most doctors recommend at about this time, you might see your little one sucking their thumb, not to mention the necessary signifiers to let you know whether you've got a wee lad or lassie.

And how's mom doing?
Okay, grab a seat, take a deep breath and focus. It's time for the serious-medical-issues discussion.Big Picture: The MMT helps 10% of women start to deal with the scary reality that something isn't normal about their pregnancy, while causing a crap-ton of undue stress for 90% of women.
Ultrasounds are a common low-risk procedure that's typically performed multiple times throughout your pregnancy.
Using a sonogram, a trained ultrasound technician measures and monitors your baby's growth and is able to detect physical defects and issues.
If everything is developing fine from the ultrasound, most medical practitioners automatically recommend the Multiple Marker Test (MMT aka Triple Screen Test).
This very common procedure checks your blood (not your baby's) for specific protein and hormone levels and any potential genetic issues. Before you start breathing in that strained fearful way or furrowing your brow in concern, you should know that even if you do get a positive test this hardly means your little trooper is in trouble.
In reality, only about 3 to 5 percent of women yield positive results, and of those women, only 10 percent actually have any sort of complication to report.
In other words, 90% of the women who get positive results from the MMT are getting false positives.
Big Picture: The MMT helps 10% of women start to deal with the scary reality that something isn't normal about their pregnancy, while causing a crap-ton of undue stress for 90% of the women.
Obviously, a positive test from the MMT will have the doctor recommending further testing, including the much-scarier very-invasive amniocentesis (sticking a massive needle into your womb) and more ultrasounds.
Remember: this is your pregnancy. You make the choices here. If you don't want to go through the undue stress of taking this test, you can opt out. That's your right.
Still, you should weigh the risks carefully. The blood test doesidentify neural tube defects and Down Syndrome when it's not being wrong (which it almost always is).
For women over the age of 35, doctors will highly recommend this test, as Down Syndrome is more common in babies born to women over the age of 35, and 10% more common in women over the age of 40.
To sum it up: the MMT is a simple blood test that has 90% false positives, which causes serious-but-undue stress in millions of young women, while it also informs a minority of women about the status of unexpected and serious issues.
Your pregnancy, your choice.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - Philips Carnival Sales (为小Qoo Shopping咯)


今天又是我们期盼已久的 Philips Carnival Sales 啦~ 跟美丽伟强他们约好,午餐后,他们驾车来我们家接我们一起过去。

在之前已经盘算好要买什么东西了,而且早上一早就收到 Ivy whatsapp 我一些妈妈去了 philips Fair 后拍下的价钱板的照片,所以让我们更容易在出发前先比较了价钱。也更确定了一些要买的商品,从而也省了一些时间。

这一次他们用了新的 system,感觉比较好了,也没那么乱~这一次也是我们买东西买得最快的一次吧~哈哈。。一共花了 $670。

之后我们还去 HDB Hub 吃了一些东西,然后我和老公还去 mediacorp 参加 “knock knock who‘s there” 的 audition。


因为我们会跟小Qoo睡不一样的房间,而且我打算之后在家里教钢琴的时候可以看到他,所以我们买了这个 digital monitor。本来之前只想买那种没有影像的,结果当天这样产品便宜超级离谱的,哈哈~而且只剩最后一个了,所以抢了!$299




哈哈哈~还买了一个一开始没有打算买的warmer。但是那个人说可以很快的解冻人奶,想到挺方便的所以就买了,而且以后我星期六教课的时候,是由老公来照顾小Qoo,所以想要让他更容易的照顾宝宝,哈哈哈~ $55

然后也买了这个保温袋,比我在shopping centre看到的价钱更便宜。$19

Monday, October 24, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 第15个星期


Week 15:My sweet lil' break-dancer


最近一直在做 Philips Avent 产品的 research,包括价钱比对~因为下个星期六就是 Philips Fair 了,希望这次能够在之前先做好一些功课,毕竟宝宝产品在这之前,对我和老公来说都是非常非常陌生的东西呢~之前本来已经打算好要买的 Avent Breast Pump,因为做了research 后,我又决定要换去 Medela了。然后本来已经和老公商量好,决定让口袋破个大洞的去买 Medela Breast Pump,因为感觉既然那么多人都说他好,那就不希望买了后会因为那几百块钱而后悔。可是昨天回 JB的时候,Lisa 和大哥说他们愿意借我们他们的 Medela Breast Pump,这对我们就快破洞的口袋简直是个天大的喜讯~哈哈。。至少我们可以暂时不用去花这个大钱。所以小Qoo,你哦!要永远记得哦~你有营养的母奶可以喝,你大伯伯和大伯母也有很大的功劳哦!哈哈哈哈。。。

最近有好多的节目,昨天是小Qoo 的奶奶生日,庆祝完以后我们马上又赶回新加坡去参加了一个同事(Melvin& Liu Jia)的婚礼。然后呢~星期二我们决定和Mopy 他们一起过去 JB,然后带他们去吃吃喝喝走走,因为星期三是 Deepavali,所以大家都没有做工。然后星期五呢~我们就去机场载从台湾旅行回来的我妹和伟强,也就是小Qoo的姨姨和姨丈。然后呢!星期六又要去 Philips Carnival  Sales,然后星期日又要去参加我吉隆坡表弟的婚礼。不过不是去到吉隆坡哦~而是在 JB 的五福城,因为二舅他们不想我们大家舟车劳顿的上到 KL 去,所以他们一家特地从KL 下来 JB 摆几桌请客。


Your adorable four-inch break-dancer is busy cutting a rug inside their dance studio, even if you still can't feel it.
The majority of women don't feel those first magical movements (and not just the not-so-magical gas from the chili at dinner last night) until the 18th week or later.
Interesting fetal developments: your wee monkey's elbows and knees are bending more freely this week and their little legs arefinally less stubby than their arms.
Many of your baby's major organ systems are increasing in capacity - especially their amazing tiny heart and circulatory system, which is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood per day, and will increase to a very impressive 200 quarts per day by the end of the pregnancy.
You wee womb-tenant is now capable of making all sorts of interesting facial expressions, which include squinting, frowning, and grimacing (at the taste of their pee?).

And how's mom doing?
Have your cheeks been rosier lately?The famed "pregnancy glow" is a magical gift from the creepy pregnancy fairy who waves her "rosy tinge wand" over you while you sleep
Are you looking somehow more radiant when you look in the mirror?
Well, that's because the famed "pregnancy glow" is a magical gift from the creepy pregnancy fairy who waves her "rosy tinge wand" over you while you sleep.
Okay, seriously though - your body isexperiencing a significant increase in blood flow - including the tiny vessels on your facial skin, which gives you that lovely flushed appearance.
A not-so-glorious by-product of this increased blood flow - which causes your blood vessels to adapt and expand, is the accompanying nosebleeds for some women.
You're more likely to experience the joy of a nosebleed if you've got allergies or a stuffy nose.... aaaand, of course you're more likely to have a stuffy nose, because you have higher estrogen levels, which increases your mucous membrane output.
Gee thanks, pregnancy fairy!
Although these nosebleeds are totally harmless and normal, they are a bit gory if you've got a day job.
To help prevent future nosebleeds, you might want to invest in a humidifier and do your best to avoid irritants, such as aerosols, smoke, and dust.
P.S. Are you remembering to take your daily prenatal, get an hour of activity/walking in, drink lots of water, eat lots of veggies, and stay FAAAAAR away from nasty junk food?
P.P.S. If you answered "Uh, no, sorry..." in a dismal tone, don't beat yourself up too much.
Let's make this week the week of positive healthy change. Remember: you are responsible for a little human life, suck it up and do right by your child.
As far as hair goes, we've got some new scalp patterns beginning to develop on the head, although actual head hair is not yet present, just their furry monkey lanugo.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 开销大~


今天大哥请我们去吃了日本餐(二重湾),因为补庆祝安安的生日。这个星期回去,因为有美丽和伟强的车,所以我们载了很多东西回来~有我结婚时过大礼妈妈给的 Baby 洗澡盆,potty和小桶。然后我妈妈又帮我清洗了很多的玻璃瓶子,他说等他有空他要过来帮我酿坐月酒。哈哈哈。。。其实,可以不用麻烦他,我们自己来酿的,可是这是他的一片好意嘛~

然后呢!这个星期爸爸妈妈留了很多很多的鱼给我,因为最近突然很想吃马鲛鱼打成的鱼饼,所以就叫了爸爸留给我,因为在新加坡买真的是太贵了~我想把鱼肉打成鱼饼后,就可以收起来,午餐的时候就可以拿出来弄热吃了,那午餐就可以吃得又营养又方便了。不过爸爸妈妈不止留了马鲛鱼,还帮我弄了很多的小鱼片,包成一小包一小包的,方便我解冻煮来吃,真的是太感动了!而且这样我们也省下了不少买鱼钱。因为之前,我都很吝啬,哈哈。。因为新加坡的鱼都好贵,所以我基本上不买鱼,所以怀孕几个月下来,除了回JB 家吃的鱼以外,基本上就很少吃鱼了。这个月开始,想不能再这么下去了~所以尽量想摄取一些有营养的东西,包括鱼!

回到Adda Heights 的家,mother 也给了我他帮我准备的 sarong,是坐月的时候穿的。这样我们又可以省sarong钱了,哈哈哈。。

因为自从怀了BB 开始,我们的生活开销就大涨,除了看医生的费用以外,就连平时吃的东西也大大的涨价了。以前我们两个可以爽爽就不吃晚餐,可以减肥嘛~ 可是现在为了小Qoo,说什么都要吃一下,就算明明没什么胃口,也都还要吃。再加上,之前每天都觉得很累不爽,晚餐我都很少煮,只有在难得舒服的时候偶然会大显身手。在没有进厨房的日子里,就变成餐餐都要在外解决,而且有时候我会突然心血来潮,很想吃个什么东西的,哈哈。。还有呢就是~我们现在去超市买东西,也都尽量买些营养的东西,加上我最近爱吃水果,所以水果的开销也变大了。加上现在过了3个月了,妈妈说要开始进补,所以最近老公又要kampung 鸡,然后又要花钱买黄豆煮豆奶,电费什么的都变大了,所以开销就慢慢的变大了~


Monday, October 17, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 第14个星期


Week 14:When fetuses dance...

最近还是会觉得常常有点头痛或颈项酸痛的感觉,不知道为什么。还有不管我睡多少,总还是觉得容易觉得疲倦,想睡觉。尤其很常在星期六和星期日觉得头痛,只要一觉得头痛,我就什么东西都不想做不想动。回到家也只想摊在床上~ 唉~希望我的头不会再痛了呢!


Hmmmm。。。喂~~~daddy!!!你的歌词呢??到底背好了没有啊?人家从没有耳朵等到有耳朵,再从有耳朵等到就快听到了~你还没有背好啊?好慢哦!!开着就会唱了??吃蛇 =_=|||哈哈哈哈哈。。。

Now that we're in tri-two, are you ready to rock-n-roll?! Okay, okay, maybe just a little waltz will suffice, seeing as you're in a family way and looking like you need a nap.
At about 3.5 inches long, your peach-sized baby's little body and limber limbs are coordinated enough for loads of complicated motions.
In fact, it's very likely that they're in the middle of some fancy break-dance moves right now!
Unfortunately, you're not going to feel their fancy moves until sometime after week 18 because they're still too small to trigger sensations in your uterus. Their movements are recognizable on an ultrasound, though.
Speaking of which - you could schedule a gender ultrasound with your health care provider, if you're interested in knowing whether you're carrying a boy or a girl break-dancer. Or you can keep it a surprise till their birthday!
FYI: Weeks 16 - 18 are the first dates where the presence or lack of a penis and testicles can be clearly detected via ultrasound.
Your baby is also starting to develop the ability to move their eyes this week, although their eyelids remain fused shut for another three months.
Cute development of the week: their little hands can grasp at things and your wee babe can already suck their thumb!

And how's mom doing?
The forecast for your second trimester is in and we've got a heavy concentration of developing fetal movement, which will increase in magnitude and frequency throughout the second trimester before subsiding in the third trimester as womb-space becomes significantly more limited.Most women report enjoying their second trimester the most of the three: the morning sickness is gone, you definitely feel and look pregnant, but you’re not yet an overstuffed-lumbering-mammoth woman
Most women report enjoying their second trimester the most of the three: the morning sickness is gone, you definitely feel and look pregnant, but you're not yet an overstuffed-lumbering-mammoth woman. If you think you've got gas or some kind of bubbling weird bowel obstruction right now, it might actually be your little one shakin' their tiny booty!
Regarding your ride on the same lame symptom train: you may experience some - if not all, of the following symptoms to varying degrees: dizziness, light headedness and headache and/or back pain as your baby's weight and size increases.
Both the dizziness and light-headedness are due to the increased work-load on your heart as your body increases its blood production and circulation in order to keep you and the baby alive and growing. The more active you stay and the better you eat, the less you're likely to suffer from these issues.
Unfortunately, no matter how healthy you are, if you're starting to experience back pain, it will most likely increase as you and your grow-a-holic baby gain more weight towards the end of the trimester.
For now, try stretching using a modified downward dog pose to open up your spine and relieve tension.
Back pain while sleeping/laying down is usually alleviated by heating pads and multiple pillows (put one or two between your legs). There are also some pretty amazing full body pregnancy pillows you can purchase online.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 爱心妈妈牌炖鸡精和养命酒


今天又是星期六啦~ 终于这个星期六father mother 他们没有去吉隆坡或出国开会,所以我们决定这个星期六回 JB 一趟。带了很多老公在 Casa Kidi 买的雨伞回去,都是买给我们的侄儿侄女的,希望他们喜欢吧!

回到JB,首先我们先去 City Square 的 FOS 一趟,买了4条老公的裤子和2条老公的衣服,听起来很多,不过其实有一部分是要留着过年穿的。我呢~也买了两条裙子,一件衣服和两双家里穿的拖鞋(鞋子呢~一双我想可以放在玄关穿,另一双可以在我坐月的时候穿)。因为买超过RM300,所以我们变成了 FOS的member ,哈哈哈。。。不过想想以后会常常去那里买BB的衣服,所以应该蛮值得的。



之后回到老公家,一个多月没有看到father mother 了呢~所以我们聊长聊短的,聊得很开心~mother 也跟我分享了一些坐月子时要注意的事情,他还在从柬埔寨回来时的机场那里买了一瓶养命酒给我在坐月子的时候补一补。谢谢 mother~~


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 终于昭告天下!


其实一直都有在自己的blog 记录着怀孕的过程,可是一直都放着 draft 收起来,现在终于可以开放出来啦!

忍了好久好久~终于在拿到小Qoo BB 的 OSCAR 报告的隔一天在 Facebook 像大家宣布这个好消息~ 除了两三个老朋友是我们在早期的时候亲口告知以外,还有一些是被问到或看到我们用了一些奇怪的 Apps 猜到我有了宝宝以外,其他的人我们一律都没有说。其实真的忍得好辛苦好辛苦~哈哈。。

其实不是因为什么pantang 所以我们不说,哈哈。。最大的原因是因为之前的医生曾经警告我们暂时不要说,因为5个孕妇里就会有一个在 early pregnant 流产,而且我们也担心 OSCAR 报告不合格。所以也就慢慢拖着拖着不说了。

今天在 Facebook 说出来后,我们的心情也舒服多了~因为和朋友分享喜悦毕竟是多么让人感到开心的事情啊!哈哈。。也非常感激大家的祝福,倍感温暖。谢谢大家~ 我们会努力,我也会好好的照顾自己,努力的,尽量的,嗯~~尽可能的,不那么 blur 哦~~哈哈哈。。

有些人问我为什么是小Qoo? 是个 boy boy 吗?哈哈哈。。这和性别无关(更何况我的感觉他会是个粉红色的小Qoo,Shhhh...... 哈哈哈哈。。。)


小Qoo = 小Khoo

会放小Qoo 就是因为下面这个饮料,哈哈哈。。。以前有个时期好流行哦!我每次都特地去买这个饮料,然后把它喝完后就当着水壶来用。还收集了很多不同的罐子呢!真怀念啊!

Monday, October 10, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 第13个星期啦!OSCAR 日 & 爱心豆奶


Week 13:Farewell first trimester...

今天是小QooBB 13个星期的日期,也是我们要带他去做 OSCAR 的大日子,哈哈。。。因为感觉好像他的一个大考试呢!其实心里有点担心的,因为这次我们是要去check 宝宝有没有 down syndrome 的可能性,如果有的话,不管我们心里多么的痛和不舍,为了他以后着想,我们还是忍痛会放手。但是心里非常不希望会有这种事情发生,虽然知道自己是低风险群,但心里难免还是会忐忑不安。其实满了很多朋友那么多个月,心里好不舒服,哈哈。。因为我们都是那种喜悦很想和大家分享的人,可是心里还是一直忍着,想要等这个test 过后,一合格我们就马上大大声的宣布!哈哈哈。。

去做 OSCAR 的前几天,我们就一直很兴奋的在倒数可以看到小Qoo 的日子,哈哈哈。。因为好久没有看到他了呢!我们都好想他哦!从几天前开始就一直在灌输他要合作的讯息,哈哈。。一直灌输到前一晚我们还在不停的念~ 前一晚,我们躺在床上,就一直对着肚子念啊念~老公说:小Qoo,你明天要合作哦!要听妈妈的话~妈妈说颈项,你就要好好的升直直哦~blah blah blah~~ 哈哈哈。。那大家就可以早点回来休息哦!


隔天早上起床,我的头还在痛,而且痛到好像呕哦!肚子越来越大,越来越多衣服不能穿了~在选了很久的衣服后,我们终于赶快出门了,早餐也来不及吃。因为是早上weekday 的缘故,所以很多上班族忙着去做工,所以巴士上人也蛮多的,而且进到highway 就开始塞车了,可能跟下雨也有关系吧~

好不容易我们终于来到了 orchard,平时我还傻傻的去搭 MRT 然后再转巴士,原来 Orchard 就有很多巴士可以直接到了 =_=|||| 真是笨死了!哈哈。。。

本以为我们的时间充裕,结果碰上塞车,就以为自己铁定吃到了,结果我们却可以在 9.30 刚刚好到医院!哈哈哈。。心情高低起伏啊!一进到医院就嗅到好香的面包味,好想吃哦!可是因为赶时间,所以我们就直接搭电梯上到4楼去登记。

在柜台登记的时候,那为柜台人员非常的友善,他也跟我们介绍了一个 FBI 配套,可是我们没什么兴趣,但还是拿了小册子读一读。在离开柜台前,那位友善的阿姨交代我现在开始要多喝水哦!让自己 bladder 尽量full 一点,因为他说我13个星期baby 还有一点小。


等了一下,马上又被叫了,这一次真的要进去做了哦!走进房间,把裙子拉低,又是肚子凉凉的被挤上一堆 gel~然后就开始了!哇!我看到我的小Qoo BB 了~~变得好大了哦!哈哈。。加上这一次他用了放大功能,所以我们可以看他看得好仔细哦!太可爱了!不过他在里面好安静哦!连护士都说 : This Baby very quiet ya~

哈哈哈。。。我才不相信我的baby 会安静哩~看看他的daddy mummy 就知道了,那么吵死人的两个家伙,哈哈哈。。我觉得他应该是睡着了,因为平时这个时间我都和他刚刚吃了早餐,然后又回去睡回头觉的。护士还给我们听宝宝的心跳,好大声哦!我和老公都好感动好感动!我们两个一听到那个声音,就对眼看了一下~然后两个人同一个想法就是想要录起来,老公马上拿出电话,礼貌的问了那个护士能不能够record,记过那个护士说不能~~ T_T 为什么不可以啊!哼!下一次我要偷偷的录起来,不要问了!哈哈哈。。

找了很多张照片后,之后因为颈项的那个角度护士一直拍不到他满意的,所以护士叫我翻身啦~我也故意摇他啦~叫他起床啦~护士也用那个棒摇我肚子说: Sorry ya~i have to disturb the Baby~

果然 disturb 好像有用哦~他之前被摇摇的时候,我们会看到他在里面上下跳,被disturb 了后他的手还会动来动去呢~之后还一根一根手指的动,好像在show off 一样,好可爱哦!他还会一直松松他的颈项,哈哈。。。不过整个过程算很快呢!不到20分钟的时间,我们就把 OSCAR scan 做好了。之后就到验血部门去登记了。




吐了之后舒服多了,我就会到座位上,等了一会就到我了。进去抽了3支血。出来后,老公就一直称赞小Qoo 乖,好合作哦!所以我们可以那么快就回家了。来到楼下,又嗅到刚刚那个面包香~老公问我要在这里吃还是去 Novena,我直接答:这里!哈哈哈。。。

因为一方面饿了,另一方面刚刚一进门就嗅到好香哦!刚刚又看到有个妈妈在吃,害我流口水流惨了。所以我们就在楼下的 delifrance 解决了我们的 brunch。


我一直睡,睡到下午两点左右吧~老公已经把面粉糕做好了,看起来好好吃哦!本来没什么胃口的,因为早上刚刚吐,头又还痛。不过吃了一口后,胃口就比较好了,不过还是没有办法把一整碗吃完。不过真的好好吃哦!我老公真的是越来越厉害了啦!哈哈。。他说都是照着我放在 Facebook 的 recipe 做的,但我说就算有些人,你给他recipe 他也未必会做得出来哦!

吃了午餐后,我们惊觉时间又差不多该出门了~赶快随便收拾梳洗我们就出门了。因为 4.45 和医生约好了要回去拿报告的。到了 Orchard 我还嘴馋买了一杯百香果冰吃~哈哈。。好舒服哦!



医生一样以往常的爽朗笑声迎接我们,他问我今天觉得怎么样啊~我回答说:今天感觉不好~ 因为我的头好痛!哈哈。。之后他就跟我解释,我的头痛不会是血压的关系,因为我的血压都正常,应该只是因为我的荷尔蒙等等改变所造成的。他还叫我吃 panadol~@~@ 原来我可以吃 panadol,那我干嘛忍得那么辛苦,连睡觉都辛苦哦!哈哈。。不管~我等一下回去马上就吃!痛死我了!

医生接着说,没关系~ 相信我跟你说了这个报告的结果,你的头痛马上就好啦!哈哈。。他说baby 长得很好哦!没什么问题~ 全部测验结果都在安全范围,所以他叫我们可以放心了!Hush·~放下了心头大石~哈哈。。

要离开前,医生还开玩笑说~你看!他笑了,他开心了~没事了~头不痛了!哈哈哈哈。。。医生!你太搞笑了吧!哈哈。。不过也谢谢你~ 让我在整个怀孕的过程中,因为你,让我觉得整个人好安心哦!什么事情好像都不是问题一样~ Thank you Dr Tan!

回到家后,老公又忙着帮我和小Qoo煮豆奶~~ 唉~~ 我自己也煮过豆奶,知道豆奶是多么的麻烦和多工啊~ 真的很谢谢你老公,连豆奶都帮我煮,我们爱你哦~~

Buckle up folks, we're about to heading into trimester two!
Your little womb tenant is getting bigger and smarter every day! Their skin is paper-thin and rather see-through, showing off all their shiny new functioning and still-developing organs.
Their sense of taste and smell are more developed and refined while their cozy amniotic sac continues to increase in size and mass and fill with more fluid.
As we embark on the second trimester, it's time for your manatee-to-alien-to-tiny-weird-human to evolve into monkey baby!
Little hairs, known as lanugo, will start to cover your baby's body this week, which will eventually be shed some time after birth.
Of all the trimesters, this one has been the most critical to ensuring your baby's development is on the right track.
If you've carefully adopted a healthy diet, continued to stay active, and made sure you're getting all the rest you need, you've got your little one set up for some spectacular growth and development in tri-two! Way to go, mama!

And how's mom doing?
Congratulations on a successful first trimester! A lot has happened, but baby, you ain't seen nothing yet!If you're having trouble staying away from any of your old addictions, make sure you get your partner & family's support.
If you've started cleaning up your diet and restricting your intake of crap (read: alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, coffee, junk food, empty carbs (pasta, chips) & fast food), give yourself a pat on the back and a gold star, because you're doing an excellent job!
Yep, no thanks to the addictive qualities of all of the above, giving up most of that crap isn't particularly easy or fun.
If you're having trouble staying away from any of your old addictions, make sure you get your partner and family's support. Let them know how important it is that you give your baby the best building blocks while in the womb. Ask that they support you & your baby by not offering them to you or bringing it into your house.
And even if you did relapse into bad behavior at any time over the past 13 weeks, don’t dwell on it—there’s still so much to look forward to!
Besides, now is the perfect time to re-dedicate yourself if you've had a few lapses. Remember, every day and decision is an opportunity to improve your life habits. Your baby and your body will both thank you in the long run.
If you’re the planning type, you can celebrate the beginning of your next trimester by purchasing some choice maternity clothing to fit your elegantly evolving new shape.
Cruise the online stores for a preview of the range of fashion out there for pregnant women—even if the local shops are still stuck in frumpy grandma-land, you can always hit up some chi-chi online store based out of NYC!
If you’d rather wait a few more weeks (until you really start to show) before making any purchases, then just opt for more comfy loose fitting clothes. At the very least, just unbutton that top button on your favorites that still “sort of fit”.
Come on, you’re pregnant! This is definitely not the time to suffer for fashion!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 爱心泡参纯鸡精





我就去睡了个午觉,睡醒后鸡精就炖好了,大概炖了2-3个小时吧,炖出了一碗半的鸡汤~ 虽然什么调味料都没有放,可是这个鸡精真的非常好喝,不骗你哦!真的非常香醇的味道,嘴巴里还有回甘的感觉。午餐的时候我喝了一碗鸡精。


然后我们这一天晚上看了那个 Nasi Lemak 2.0.。唉~~真是浪费我们的时间,哈哈哈哈。。一点都不好看,我和老公还看到头痛。

当晚我的偏头痛就开始发作了,唉~~痛不欲生啊!!! 明天还要去做 OSCAR 呢!今天还不早睡,怎么醒啊!可是真的是痛到睡不着呢~还痛到想作呕呢!

Friday, October 7, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 我是打嗝天后~


请叫我打嗝天后!哈哈哈哈。。。我觉得自己好夸张!! 以前因为胃病的问题,我从来都不会打嗝,就算喝了很多汽水,也不会打嗝,所以老是觉得胃气胀,非常的不舒服。

今年年头开始,我的胃病的问题得到了改善,突然间我会打嗝了~但只是偶尔很多气的时候才会 burp 一两下。

可是自从怀孕开始,我就变成了打嗝天后了~连我的老公都输给我了~~哈哈哈哈!!!我现在只要一吃东西就一定会打嗝,而且每一餐后我都要打个至少10个 burp,哈哈哈。。连老公都觉得我最近好会打嗝了,我还开始觉得自己越打越过分!还很常会躺在床上,要起来上厕所,一坐起来就会 “ BURPS” !!! 吃一餐差不多 10个的话,一天下来,我真的不知道自己到底打了多少~~~ 下次应该来算一算,看看会不会有什么惊人的数字!



老公:为什么你没有听你的歌(Mozart Effect)?
我    :有啊!(理直气壮)是你自己一直听你的歌,把我的歌都盖掉了!


=_=|||  哼!明明就是自己把自己的歌开到 MAX!还怪我~哈哈哈哈哈哈。。。。



我    :老公~~~我刚刚差一点吐哩!!
我 :因为hor ~你一直播同一首歌,害我一直听一直听,听到我快吐了!

哈哈哈。。。。老公突然笑了出来跟我说:你很坏蛋hor !等我弄好我的衣服我就来教训你!你这个家伙不教训一下不可以了~~

哈哈哈哈。。。然后我就遭来一阵。。。。。gu ji     囧rz~~~

最好笑的是,老公还跟小Qoo说:小Qoo,你不要吓到啊~~~是因为mummy 太坏蛋了,所以daddy 要教训他一下~你不要吓到啊!!!哈哈哈。。。。 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 你是谁!干嘛一直住在我的喉咙!


昨天晚上吃了kaya 面包和喝了豆奶后,我又开始感觉到喉咙里面有东西了!虽然比上一次轻微了许多,可是就不喜欢这种不舒服的感觉!气死我了!害我昨晚和今天一整天一直很想把它咳出来,越咳越想呕!

请你不要那么爱我好吗?快点离开我的喉咙!急急如律令!Hom ma ni ma ni hom!去!

@~@|||  哈哈哈。。我被他搞到我发神经了!

P.S:当晚老公的 whatsapp 响起~ 原来是 Valencia 一直找不到我,他要问我的喉咙怎么了,跟我解释了后又怕我听不懂,所以还特地打电话来给我。老实说,我的心里觉得超级感动的~~因为有个朋友那么的关心自己。他跟我说应该是因为我咳嗽太大力,喉咙的一个血管爆了,所以留了一点血,所以会觉得很不舒服。如果真的觉得很不舒服,可以去看医生,医生可以用针筒帮我把血抽出来就不会觉得那么辛苦了。不然如果放着不管他,身体也会慢慢的把血 absorb 掉,到时候就不会觉得不舒服了。

真的跟开心有个像这样能够让我安心放心也常常关心我的朋友~ 谢谢你 Valencia ^_^

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 我的幸运宝贝小Qoo BB


我在上个星期参加了一个由U 频道主办的一个活动,是跟女人俱乐部里面的一个型男学做 pastry。我觉得很好玩,就报名参加了!老公之前就一直说他觉得我一定会中,原因是他觉得我的 blog 最显眼,感觉最有机会~哈哈。。。虽然也觉得其他人的 blog 好像都不太关于食物,好像有那么一点机会~可是还是处于观望的态度。

直到星期二收到 Facebook 的 message,说我被选中去参加了!真是开心极了。因为在那么多人里面他们只选10个人来参加,所以本来觉得自己的机会不大了~结果真的让我中选了,真的很开心。只不过老公星期六和星期日因为tampines 的公司新分行开张,所以需要去帮忙,怕他赶不及~虽然他叫我找别人陪我去,他很怕他会迟到~不过我想迟到就迟到,我自己一个人应该也没问题的!哈哈。。我只想留着这个位子让他来。 只是可怜他了,一大早忙到 6点多还要过来陪我玩,哈哈。。

我总觉得自己最近蛮幸运的,就好像之前我每次 spin 那个 Ichiban Sushi,从来都没有中过大奖,每次那种最烂的奖品都被我 spin 中!哈哈。。。结果最近一次,我竟然spin 中大奖,$80~ 超级开心的!

虽然我知道这些可能都是凑巧,哈哈哈。。。也许我平时其实就是会走一些这种狗屎运(我妈妈常常说,傻人有傻福嘛~),但我就是情愿选择相信我的 BB 就是我们的 Lucky Star! 哈哈哈。。。因为这样我和老公往后的几十年都可以一直走狗屎运咯!哈哈哈哈。。。

Monday, October 3, 2011

我♥ の孕日记 - 第12个星期咯!小Qoo 宝贝,你终于稳定了!


今天可是小Qoo BB 3个月的日子哦!今天可是大日子呢~哈哈。。。左盼右盼的,终于盼到今天了~ 虽然已经3个月了,但是我们会等到下个星期做了 OSCAR 后再跟大家宣布。下个星期一可以说是小Qoo的一个大考试呢!我希望小Qoo 能够好好的通过这一个考试,因为daddy mummy 真的好爱你,你一定要好好的通过这次的测试,那我们就可以大声的跟所有的朋友同事宣布我们有了你的这个好消息啦!这个星期,mummy 也会努力的过得更健康一点,希望下个星期一能够顺顺利利哦!

昨天我在跟老公说,哈哈。。这个星期开始,我们的小Qoo BB 终于长得比较像人了呢!老公就问我:那你的意思是说他之前不像人咯!我就很肯定的说:是!哈哈哈。。因为之前长得又像外星人又像海龟的~哈哈。。。

因为昨天我们有回JB,所以我叫老公打包了 7包没有饭的客家擂茶~哈哈哈。。因为一个人的午餐常常不知道要吃什么,所以打包让我午餐的时候只要煮个白饭就有好吃又营养健康的食物,真是太爽了!应该会连续几天的午餐和晚餐都是这个吧!哈哈。。希望不会吃到我怕啦!小QooBB~ 你的老豆超级喜欢吃这个的,你应该也跟他一样吧~~哈哈哈。。。不然怎么会这两个星期突然吵着我,一直在脑海盘旋呢?哈哈哈。。。现在终于打包到啦!也吃到啦!开心了吧~~~哈哈。。


Despite being a super-dooper grower, your little Einstein’s body is still far behind the astonishing growth of their amazing brain. In other words, your baby is still a bobble-head, as their massive noggin' comprises 30% of their entire body mass!
Bobblehead aside, your little lollipop's neck is up to the challenge and straightening out quite nicely as can be seen by their little chin lifting off of the chest.
Your baby is also actively rehearsing “breathing” by inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid (ew!) to prepare the lungs for future air respiration.
The big news: your little poop-n-pee factory is now up and running!
Don't worry, most of the liquid waste wends it way down to your bladder, just adding to your million-times-a-day rides on the porcelain pony.
The solid waste - aka their first baby poop is just starting to build up in their intestine (it's a super-slow build-up, since it's all derived from liquid blood) in preparation for that tarry black meconium newborn poop.
Along with all the lovely poop-n-pee talk, we thought you'd like to know that your baby now pees into their amniotic sac and then inhales it through their mouth and nose.
YUCK! Not to worry, their urine is completely sterile and harmless, no matter how gross it seems.

And how's mom doing?
To state the obvious: as your baby grows so does your uterus.If you've been experiencing a burning sensation that extends from your breastbone to your throat after meals, congrats, you've got heart burn!
By now, your once-flat and relatively small uterus is stretched to the size of a softball (12-14 cm), but that’s nothing: by the time you deliver it will have grown to 15 – 17 inches (37 – 42 cm)!
Right now, your uterus is slowly growing at a steady rate of one centimeter per week.
If you've been experiencing a burning sensation that extends from your breastbone to your throat after eating, congrats, you've got heart burn!
This oh-too familiar issue is essentially your digestive system struggling to break-down and move the crap (fresh fruit and veggies don't give you heartburn) you're eating and backing up until there's stomach acids where there shouldn't be.
It's fairly straightforward to prevent heartburn by eating smaller meals, drinking more water, going for after-meal walks to get things moving, and avoiding fried, spicy, and fatty foods. That shouldn't be hard to do because you've already cleaned up your diet and are only eating the best whole foods possible, right?! RIIIIIGHT.
All sarcasm aside, heartburn is a fairly simple index of how badly you need to get off the carb-binging, fast-food shoveling, crap-eating ways that're considered "normal" and acceptable by most of modern society.
Come on mama! You can't just shove any old thing into your face anymore and expect no retribution from your highly sensitive digestive tract and one very dependent little womb-resident. Nothing less than premium grade fuel will do!
Go back and read Week 9 if you're not sure exactly what "premium grade fuel" is yet.
As your pregnancy becomes more physically visible, you’ll have to adjust to people asking you when you’re due and perhaps the single most annoying part of pregnancy - getting unsolicited advice from strangers who’ve “been there.”
Which reminds us: since you're rolling into the "safe" second trimester (greatly reduced risk of miscarriage) this is probably the right time to share your pregnancy news (if you haven’t already) with close family and friends.
Allowing those you trust and love an active role in your pregnancy encourages participation and support for the future—when you’re really going to need it!