Thursday, April 5, 2012

我♥ の孕日记 - 第38个星期啦!开始倒数~~


Week 38:Stuck in a holding pattern

今天小宝贝 Jillyna 已经 38个星期啦!已经开始倒数~~ 还剩两个星期就是他的预产期了,我的天啊!哈哈。。


最近偶尔下腹部会感觉到疼痛,有时候还蛮痛的,有时候只是觉得有点轻微的不舒服。很好奇到底生产的时候,那个痛到底是怎么样的啊?虽然很多人都跟我说,不要等了!直接打 Epidural,可是我就是想要试一试那个痛的感觉,哈哈哈。。。试过就甘愿了~~ 忍到不行我就会马上打 Epidural,就纯粹只是我的好奇心作祟而已~哈哈。。

生产包已经准备好了,老公也帮我把他们都 pack 好在行李箱了。目前为止就是一个 luggage,一个mummy 包,一个 breastpump 的bag 还有多一个老公放相机的包包吧~如果我 pack 的话,应该会蹦出多3个包~哈哈。。。因为我老公最会塞东西了,可能小时候玩很多 lego 的关系吧~哈哈。。

The final fat details are being rounded off before your rocket-baby's big launch onto planet earth and into your arms.
For one, your adorable poop-factory's meconium stockpile is growing (are you ready for that historical first tarry black poo?) as their baby fat stores continue to increase.
Most importantly, your wee genius' rapidly developing super-brain is abuzz with new brain cells that'll be growing for years to come.
Whether you give birth tomorrow (yes!) or next week (aw), your fantastic baby is pretty much 100% ready to face the world outside of your womb.
And by "ready", we mean unable to hold their own head up or do much of anything other than cry, pee, poop, and eat... and steal your heart and sleep.

And how's mom doing?
Hey mama, how's week 38 treating you? Wait! Don't tell us: big, awkward and impatient, right? Well, you look fabulous! Glowing with life and anticipation all at once.
All's clear on the home front, too: at this point, if you go into labor, you'll be on track for a normal healthy delivery that'll end with your newborn snuggled sweetly in your arms. Hopefully, you've got all your newborn supplies stocked up and that infant car seat installed.
Between now and then though, you've still got to get your mind wrapped around the upcoming labor process, conquer your fears, and square off for the upcoming Breastfeeding Bootcamp.
Are you ready for your tiniest 18-year (or more) house guest?

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